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Target questions

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Target questions Empty Target questions

Post by TexasShooter 4/2/2014, 6:18 pm

Probably easy questions for you experienced folks, but I'm new and easily confused. Our previous match director left several boxes of targets and I'm trying to figure out which ones I can use. The NRA rulebook is a help but I have some targets that don't match anything in the book, just trying to figure out what they are for.

B16, 25 yard slow fire targets - I have about 200 of these that have no "x" ring. They are labeled B-16, have the correct title and logo, but the center circle just has a 10.
B7(C) - labeled 50 yard slow fire center, but the book shows that the correct number is B-6.

Any help is appreciated...thanks!


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Target questions Empty Re: Target questions

Post by Rob Kovach 4/2/2014, 7:18 pm

I can speak to your B7 (C) question.  The full B7 target is about 2.5 feet square.  The B7 repair centers that you have get stapled over the shots that you put in the black on the full B7 target.

I think that B16 targets should have a x ring.  I can't figure that out.  Can you post a picture?
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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Target questions Empty Re: Target questions

Post by Ed Hall 4/2/2014, 7:36 pm

The B16 targets were redrawn in the mid 1990s to include the X-ring.  Yours are from the earlier printing.  You cannot use them in a
sanctioned match.

The B7 appears to be a Hoppes designation for a pack of 20 of their NRA-B6(cp) paper repair centers.

Ed Hall

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Target questions Empty Re: Target questions

Post by TampaTim 4/2/2014, 7:39 pm

Before 1993 the NRA #B16 did not have an "X" ring and the scoring rings were about 3/16 of an inch bigger in diameter. In 1993 they added the "X" ring and made the scoring rings smaller and named it NRA #B-16. If you shoot on these be prepared to shoot lower scores when you go to a match and they use the current targets.


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Target questions Empty Thanks for the responses

Post by TexasShooter 4/2/2014, 7:52 pm

Over 20 years old also explains why there a little brittle. Let's see, maybe I can put them on ebay as collectors items...

Thanks everyone!


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Target questions Empty Re: Target questions

Post by LenV 4/2/2014, 8:03 pm

Wait! What? They made the targets smaller...I thought it was just me getting older that made them so much harder to hit. Shocked

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