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Trigger press and sights

Jack H
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Trigger press and sights Empty Trigger press and sights

Post by Jack H Thu Apr 03, 2014 2:04 am

So many say they steer the sight with the trigger press.  I have not seen that happening in my 44 years of bullseye. 

What is different in my head than in other heads.
Jack H
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Trigger press and sights Empty Re: Trigger press and sights

Post by davekp Thu Apr 03, 2014 7:15 am

I don't understand that concept either.


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Trigger press and sights Empty Re: Trigger press and sights

Post by TexasShooter Thu Apr 03, 2014 9:22 am

I get the concept just fine. As soon as I start pressing the trigger I'm steering the sights. Unfortunately I'm steering them all over the dadgum target, and rarely anywhere near where I would like to hit...

I hear rumors it get better with practice but for me that's still just theoretical.


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Trigger press and sights Empty Re: Trigger press and sights

Post by DavidR Thu Apr 03, 2014 10:27 am

That's some  of B. Zins style he teaches in his clinics , steering the dot and the grip style where most of the mainspring housing is left outside your hand he talks about ive tried many times but it just doesn't work for me.

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Trigger press and sights Empty Re: Trigger press and sights

Post by john bickar Thu Apr 03, 2014 10:50 am

It's a way of explaing, in words, a tactile and visual shot process. It's a way to drive total commitment to the trigger squeeze, and a mechanism for engaging your conscious mind on something positive during the shot process.

When I am shooting really well, I perceive it this way. I am a "trigger focus" rather than a "sight focus" shooter, though.
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Trigger press and sights Empty Re: Trigger press and sights

Post by Rob Kovach Thu Apr 03, 2014 11:02 am

I think it works better with a roll trigger, and I don't call it "steering".  I call it "drilling".
When I am moving the trigger, the grip and hold is slightly different than when the trigger is not moving--my hold doesn't really matter if the trigger isn't moving.  So I make sure that when the trigger is moving, I'm holding middle.  The act of holding middle while the trigger is moving is the "steering".

If you are just holding the gun without putting any pressure on the trigger, does your sight move when you start applying pressure?  Is the act of moving it back to center the concept of "steering"?

I like my grip to have the same point of aim whether I'm making the trigger move or not.  I know I have everything right (for me) when that's how it is.  But it's absolutely true that it's not the same to hold without moving the trigger than it is to hold while moving the trigger--that's when "steering" or "drilling" comes in. IMO YMMV
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