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When it's working don't fix it.

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When it's working don't fix it. Empty When it's working don't fix it.

Post by Al Fri Apr 04, 2014 12:47 pm

Moral of the story, "When it's working-don't try to fix it"!

My shooting background is over 20 years of target archery and long range Prairie Dogging, very little pistol shooting and none of that resembled precision work.  The awareness of stance, breathing and natural point of aim was already learned, so when I began my BE journey I traveled rapidly to the expert level and higher with the 22.

I discovered BE shooting in 1999.  My first BE 22 was a well used MKII.  I had a good friend who was a retired armorer do a trigger job on it and started my wait for him to build me a really good 1911.  He put a beautiful long, silky smooth roll trigger on the mkII and I began shooting.  After the first year my 45 scores (mid 250's-270's NMC) were not where my 22 scores (high 280's-mid 290's NMC).  During this time I was also shooting 4-6 days a week and air every night.

I convinced myself that the reason I shot so well with the 22 and poorly with the 45 was the grip angle, so picked up a couple of Hi Standard citations with LSP barrels and beautiful crisp triggers (reminiscent of my archery releases and long range rifles with Canjar set triggers).  At the same time I gave the Ruger back to my smith & had him put a nice crisp trigger in it close to the Hi Standards(big mistake).   My 22 scores gradually deteriorated to 270-mid 280s but my 45 scores did improve although not to the level of my prior 22 scores.  Because of their sensitivity to ammo types and the sporadic 22 supplies I haven't shot them for the last couple years 

In 2007 my scores started slowly creeping down. After the fact I now realize it was my rotator cuff.  I had surgery on my right shoulder in 2010 and have slowly been creeping back.  It helped to have a therapist who was sympathetic to where I wanted to get to & worked on exercises to help it along and it's probably back to 90% of where it used to be.

I've lately had a second mkII trigger done by the same smith who did put a medium roll trigger on it and my 22 scores have improved a bit, also picked up a Marvel unit 1 that I had mated to it's own lower and it's scores are pretty close to the Ruger.  I usually shoot both every session & the scores may be a bit higher with one or the other depending on the night.  Of the two, I really wish my shooting with the marvel would surpass the Ruger and stay there but it just doesn't happen.  "Perhaps" if had the time to shoot more than once a week the progress would be more noticeable, but that won't happen any time soon.  Just life happening.

Looking back with 20/20 hindsight, I should have stayed with the original long roll trigger on the Ruger and had a similar roll trigger put into the 1911.  But if nothing else, I'm stubborn and bull headed so I did not. 

I've been reading the thread on roll triggers with regret, because I had one.  Now, I need to contact Mr Keefer about a couple ideas.

Just some passing thoughts on a Friday.


Posts : 657
Join date : 2011-06-10
Age : 69
Location : Bismarck, ND

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