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? Chrono Data N310 45 acp

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? Chrono Data N310 45 acp Empty ? Chrono Data N310 45 acp

Post by chiltech500 Tue Apr 15, 2014 5:43 pm

Here is data from a new ProChrono (which worked 100% reliably). There is some head scratching stuff here in the 200 gr LSWC from Missouri Bullet: why is .02 grains less of N310 with the same bullet generating over 100 FPS more velocity? OAL's are 1.255 on the 200 gr LSWC and 1.110 on the 185 gr lead bullets. Major difference is small primer used for 4.0 charge and large primer for 3.8 charge. I measured each OAL in the 3.8 charge but did not in the 4.0 charge pushing the 200gr LSWC.  Opinions and thoughts?

? Chrono Data N310 45 acp BallisticsN310


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Location : N of Bethlehem PA

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? Chrono Data N310 45 acp Empty Re: ? Chrono Data N310 45 acp

Post by Dr.Don Tue Apr 15, 2014 6:29 pm

I have never used N310, but I would discount the first column as a powder metering problem. Extreme spread is very high, even though average looks ok.  Assuming this data was all taken with the same gun, the primer change (small to large) would seem to make the difference.  The large primer is definitely a bigger bang and starts the burn more quickly/thoroughly.  I even notice the difference between primer brands in some of my loads.  For instance one load I use gives an occasional failure to lock open with WLP primers but almost never with CCI's.  Primers do make a difference.

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? Chrono Data N310 45 acp Empty Re: ? Chrono Data N310 45 acp

Post by chiltech500 Thu Apr 24, 2014 6:10 pm

I believe the 1st 4 columns of my original post have errors that render those results null.

New Data that I have more confidence in and the 1st 2 columns of the second chart below it,  I feel are reliable data.
? Chrono Data N310 45 acp <a href=? Chrono Data N310 45 acp N310AccuracyTesting4-20-14" />

Last edited by chiltech500 on Thu Apr 24, 2014 6:21 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Location : N of Bethlehem PA

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? Chrono Data N310 45 acp Empty Re: ? Chrono Data N310 45 acp

Post by chiltech500 Thu Apr 24, 2014 6:18 pm

Also I believe the 1st 2 columns of this chart are reliable a pertains to N310 4.0 gr. and may be compared to the N310 3.7 gr data posted above.

I do not have confidence in the 3.8 gr 200 LSWC data, believe my information on OAL or charge weights are wrong here.

? Chrono Data N310 45 acp <a href=? Chrono Data N310 45 acp N310withMBCBallistics" />


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Location : N of Bethlehem PA

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