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Bullsey handgun

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Bullsey handgun Empty Bullsey handgun

Post by roninflag 4/26/2014, 3:16 pm

my understanding is the handgun needs to be capable of 1" groups at 50 yards from a machine rest. I have  SW586 6" . I have shot it quite a bit andknow it is very accurate with my hunting loads of 296 and 125 hp. I am shopping for 148 HWBC right now . I have a SW1076 10mm. I am not sure how accurate it is. I have only fired it a few times. is there someone who makes after market barrel match barrels for it? Bar-sto? what do you recommend? thanks. roninflag


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Bullsey handgun Empty Re: Bullsey handgun

Post by james r chapman 4/26/2014, 3:40 pm

I don't agree it HAS to hold 1" . You just have to be that much better when dealing with less accuracy. I might shoot 8 ring (ok, 7) with 1" accuracy, Zins probably still cleans it with 3" accuracy..

james r chapman
james r chapman

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Bullsey handgun Empty Re: Bullsey handgun

Post by Rob Kovach 4/26/2014, 3:56 pm


Either one of those guns should be just fine for the centerfire stage if they hold a 3" group at 50 yards.  Better than that is better, but if that's what you have, many shooters are shooting Centerfire guns that aren't much more accurate than that.  I can shoot in the 270s with a revolver a lot like yours.

Bar-sto and Kart make great barrels but for what you would spend accurizing your 10mm, you could have a big down payment for a .45ACP 1911.  I think you are going to have a hard time finding a match barrel from ANY manufacturer for your 1076.

Go ahead and shoot some matches with the guns that you already have and have some fun!
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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Bullsey handgun Empty Re: Bullsey handgun

Post by Joe L 4/26/2014, 4:30 pm

Rob Kovach wrote:Go ahead and shoot some matches with the guns that you already have and have some fun!

Good advice, I think.  I use a polymer 9mm service gun with a red dot sight.  I have shot good groups with it out to 100 yards, but it isn't anything special.  In my case, the shooter needs work, not the guns.


Joe L

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