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Adjustable Rear Sight for Beretta M9 + other stuff

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Adjustable Rear Sight for Beretta M9 + other stuff Empty Adjustable Rear Sight for Beretta M9 + other stuff

Post by bmac Wed May 07, 2014 12:41 pm

I'm planning on getting into CMP Service Pistol matches, so I'm looking for a recommendation for a nice adjustable rear sight for my new M9. Reading the reviews on midwayusa it appears several of them might not be good quality.

Additionally, I plan on getting a KKM barrel and trigger shoe. Are there any other mods I should look into? I'm not interested in sending the gun off to get it completely worked over at this time and am not able to have a threaded barrel due to CA AW laws.



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Adjustable Rear Sight for Beretta M9 + other stuff Empty Re: Adjustable Rear Sight for Beretta M9 + other stuff

Post by DavidR Wed May 07, 2014 1:32 pm

There are very few options for true target sights, this is the best. By LPA I had these on mine and it was great, this set is for the standard 92 without the dovetail front sight, there is another model for that available as well. Do not buy any of the ones with white dots or white outline they just don't do as good for bullseye shooting. Trigger shoe can be bought from DJ Precision .

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Adjustable Rear Sight for Beretta M9 + other stuff Empty Re: Adjustable Rear Sight for Beretta M9 + other stuff

Post by bmac Tue May 27, 2014 7:57 pm

That is a nice looking sight set. It appears the new front sight fits over the stock sight. Is this correct? Any leads on where to purchase a set in the US?


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Adjustable Rear Sight for Beretta M9 + other stuff Empty Re: Adjustable Rear Sight for Beretta M9 + other stuff

Post by sixftunda Tue May 27, 2014 9:51 pm

The adjustable rear sight from Beretta does not require a higher front sight.  It is what I use on mine.  Works just fine.


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Adjustable Rear Sight for Beretta M9 + other stuff Empty Re: Adjustable Rear Sight for Beretta M9 + other stuff

Post by DeweyHales Tue May 27, 2014 10:07 pm

I used the Beretta sight shown above until I had a gun built. My first 50 yard scores at Perry were in the high 80s. So, it can produce good scores.

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