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Your Range Officer is it for hardball or wad?

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Your Range Officer is it for hardball or wad? Empty Your Range Officer is it for hardball or wad?

Post by LenV Thu May 08, 2014 8:41 pm

I have seen a lot of discussion here about what shooters are doing with their ROs. I use mine as a back up pistol for both the 45 match and EIC. I keep the trigger set just a little over 4 lbs so it is EIC legal but I also have it mounted with a dot and have a 12 lb recoil spring inside. I can switch it in minutes from a wad gun to a ball gun just by removing the dot (two big screws) and taking off the weaver mount (3 medium size screws). Then I swap out the recoil spring (if needed) and I am ready to shoot hardball.The sights never have to be removed and remain sighted in. I decided to post this when I saw how many shooters are using one pistol for pretty much everything. The base is a weaver #26 you have to drill and tap the slide for 3 8x40 screws.You also have to remove part of the base for the pistol to operate.I remove the extra base with a band saw and a dremmel tool to smooth it out. After repeated removal you will get a line on your slide where base makes contact.Line is not visible when dot is mounted and not important when your shooting for a Leg Point.This is something a DIY type of person can do easily or any gunsmith.Your Range Officer is it for hardball or wad? Dscf0212

Last edited by OldMaster64 on Fri May 09, 2014 10:21 am; edited 1 time in total

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Your Range Officer is it for hardball or wad? Empty Re: Your Range Officer is it for hardball or wad?

Post by DavidR Fri May 09, 2014 9:27 am

Nice setup, the RO is a good starting point for both wad and ball

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Your Range Officer is it for hardball or wad? Empty Re: Your Range Officer is it for hardball or wad?

Post by LenV Wed May 14, 2014 5:45 pm

I know the headline says"Range Officer"but I wanted to show that this will work on almost any 1911.The pistol in the picture is a Kimber Gold Match ll. You can see the faint lines on the slide caused by my removing the base a lot and shooting the pistol in different configurations. The pistol is a 40 s&w. I shoot a 180gr L-TC for bullseye (light load) and a 180gr XTP(hot load)when I use it as a carry/hunting pistol. A pistol  tuned and tweaked for bullseye can also  make a great carry gun. Roddy Toyota did the tweaking on this one.I did the scope mounting.Your Range Officer is it for hardball or wad? Dscf0213

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Your Range Officer is it for hardball or wad? Empty Re: Your Range Officer is it for hardball or wad?

Post by LongSlide Wed May 14, 2014 8:14 pm

I see that you changed the hammer for hardball on that RO.  Which hammer did you select and did you change any other fire control parts, e.g. sear?  

How about a pic of groups you get with the gun?


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Your Range Officer is it for hardball or wad? Empty Re: Your Range Officer is it for hardball or wad?

Post by LenV Wed May 14, 2014 9:15 pm

I think the hammer and sear are from my old Gold Cup. I have a pile of parts left over from other improvements to other pistols.I know that is not much help but I know they are both good quality.I also replaced the mainspring (19lb) and had to replace both the slide release and the thumb safety.Those aren't fire control parts but needed to be done.Oh.when I replaced the mainspring I also got rid of the ILS mainspring housing.
  This is the only target I had here to show you.I have not fired any clean targets with it I guess or I would have one lying around somewhere. I have this marked as being from the RO but I suspect I was probably using the dot. I did fire a 94 timed and a 89 rapid with it in an EIC match.I won the match but I think I will forget how bad I did slowfire.Your Range Officer is it for hardball or wad? Dscf0214timed fire @ 25yds

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Your Range Officer is it for hardball or wad? Empty Re: Your Range Officer is it for hardball or wad?

Post by dstates Wed May 14, 2014 9:25 pm

My RO is setup as a wad gun.  I had original plans to do something similar where I could leave the sights on even with a rail installed.  But, I ended up getting a Rock River Arms rail that has ears on the back for racking the slide.  I wasn't sure I liked that or not, but I went for it.  Now that I have it installed I like it because I can rack the slide the same way I do my Ruger Mk III.  I can still see myself turning this into a ball gun at some point.



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Your Range Officer is it for hardball or wad? Empty Re: Your Range Officer is it for hardball or wad?

Post by LenV Wed May 14, 2014 9:32 pm

That thing on top of the pistol marked Ultra-dot.Well they work pretty good for racking the slide too. Smile

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Your Range Officer is it for hardball or wad? Empty Re: Your Range Officer is it for hardball or wad?

Post by dstates Thu May 15, 2014 7:23 am

Yeah, I've heard of a lot of people that use the dot to rack the slide... I guess if it can handle riding on the slide without coming loose it can handle me pulling on it some, it just doesn't seem right to me...  Smile


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