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primers for my 586

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primers for my 586 Empty primers for my 586

Post by roninflag 5/14/2014, 6:56 pm

It   is not a good time to get components to try a new type if shooting. I considered my handguns accurate , but for hunting. i have been succesful too. My 586 6" i shot ( some time ago)  a six shot group at 100 yards with my hunting loads and could cover with a dollar bill. i did not know then the horizontal was probably wind. I have been shooping for components. got 148's,  got bullseye;  there was not big selection for primers. i had magnum on hand . i picked up some winchester small pistol primers. i am going          to load 10 of each  2.7 to 3.1.  in my 357 cases.   is there another primer i should have shopped for? what  primers do you use in your model 52's?? thanks for yourhelp. ron

Last edited by roninflag on 5/14/2014, 6:59 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : left out a word)


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Join date : 2014-04-24

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primers for my 586 Empty Re: primers for my 586

Post by LenV 5/14/2014, 7:11 pm

You will be happy with the Winchester small pistol.Or should I say content with.They are good primers and work fine for bullseye. I have other types Fed,CCI and Norma but I like the win best. Save your magnum primers for your magnum loads.The other biggy for me is the Winchester primers just seem to fit tighter for me in all my cases.

Len     (call it re-loading equipment) Smile

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primers for my 586 Empty Re: primers for my 586

Post by roninflag 5/14/2014, 8:09 pm

Len- that is great to know ! now  to set aside time to reload and shoot . not retired YET.


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Join date : 2014-04-24

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primers for my 586 Empty Re: primers for my 586

Post by rfmiller 5/19/2014, 1:29 pm

Federal primers are considered the most sensitive and therefore good if you have a light hammer fall (such as if you lightened up your main spring to improve the trigger pull).  However, it is true that Winchester fits tighter.  I have not found that to be a problem with bullseye loads, but if you ever go up into the +P range you just might find Federals blowing out and thus jamming up your action.


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