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Shooters to the line

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Shooters to the line Empty Shooters to the line

Post by desben 5/29/2014, 8:18 pm

"Shooters to the line"... Just sharing a picture from the Don Moore Memorial Match, held at Connaught Range (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada), on May 18th 2014. It was a crisp morning, with perfect blue sky. It warmed up slowly and by lunch time, a few shooters were just wearing a t-shirt. Beautiful spring morning, but quite windy. I love the smell of burning gunpowder in the morning...

Shooters to the line 14194572726_4ea307b132_o

This military complex has two 50-meter ranges and four 25-meter ones. But it's primarily a rifle training center, with several ranges, up to 1,000 meters. I really enjoyed shooting there. Google view of the pistol ranges: http://goo.gl/rN8Uff

Would you say this is a fairly typical setup for the matches you attend?

Posts : 384
Join date : 2013-12-22
Location : Ontario, Canada

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Shooters to the line Empty Re: Shooters to the line

Post by DeweyHales 5/30/2014, 8:10 am

That looks very similar to some matches I've shot.  It looks like a great day.

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Shooters to the line Empty Re: Shooters to the line

Post by DavidR 5/30/2014, 9:44 am

its always interesting to see how different range setups look, thanks

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Shooters to the line Empty Milan Rifle Club - 2700

Post by dstates 5/30/2014, 12:48 pm

Here are a couple pictures from the Milan Rifle Club in Milan, IL.  They are from a 2700 a few weeks ago.  They are working on installing a new turning system that is below the target instead of hanging the target frames.
Shooters to the line Attachment
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Location : Near Moline, IL

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Shooters to the line Empty Re: Shooters to the line

Post by LenV 6/2/2014, 1:50 pm

There were 36 shooters that showed up for the Washington State Regionals.This is a picture of the Sunday squading.There were more master and high master then any other class.Gitrunk (Chris) down near the end blew everyone away in the SS class and a lot of the masters. I am the big guy on this end dressed like Johny Cash. I didn't exactly shoot fantastic but had a lot of fun.They put on a good match if your ever in Bremerton WA.Shooters to the line Dscf0310

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Shooters to the line Empty Re: Shooters to the line

Post by gitkrunk 6/2/2014, 2:53 pm

OldMaster64 wrote: I love you There were 36 shooters that showed up for the Washington State Regionals.This is a picture of the Sunday squading.There were more master and high master then any other class.Gitrunk (Chris) down near the end blew everyone away in the SS class and a lot of the masters. I am the big guy on this end dressed like Johny Cash. I didn't exactly shoot fantastic but had a lot of fun.They put on a good match if your ever in Bremerton WA.Shooters to the line Dscf0310
I had a blast! Thanks for inviting me Len.  2700 + EIC + DR. Was a lot in one day

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Age : 38
Location : Anchorage,AK

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