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Accuracy of stock Ruger MKIII and Springfield Loaded at 50 yards

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Accuracy of stock Ruger MKIII and Springfield Loaded at 50 yards Empty Accuracy of stock Ruger MKIII and Springfield Loaded at 50 yards

Post by knightimac 6/12/2014, 12:02 pm


I shot my Ruger Mark III 22/45 and Springfield Loaded 45 at 50 yards this past Tuesday.

Ruger did 2.35" groups to 3" groups.  Blazer .22 ammo.

Springfield printed 3.5" to 4" groups at 50 yards. 200 gr SWC 4.5 bullseye.  All shot from sandbag rest.

Not too bad considering I have not invested in accurizing the pistols.

Springfield had scope rail put on slide and great trigger job by local gunsmith Charlie Fosnocht here in SE PA.  Ruger is bone stock.

I'll try and down load pics.

Last edited by knightimac on 6/12/2014, 1:11 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Accuracy of stock Ruger MKIII and Springfield Loaded at 50 yards Empty Re: Accuracy of stock Ruger MKIII and Springfield Loaded at 50 yards

Post by AllAces 6/12/2014, 12:11 pm

CCI Std Vel or Aguila might offer slightly better results with the Mk III. Trigger and sear work will help the Mk III for bullseye, but not much for shooting off sandbags.  Personally, for Rugers I prefer the Mk II Target (slabside) model with a good sear, trigger and Ultradot.  The Springfield is a good starting point for a bullseye gun and a good 1911 gunsmith can certainly improve it for bullseye.

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Accuracy of stock Ruger MKIII and Springfield Loaded at 50 yards Empty Re: Accuracy of stock Ruger MKIII and Springfield Loaded at 50 yards

Post by desben 6/12/2014, 12:14 pm

Now, imagine what the Ruger could do with proper target ammo. Not bad for a $300 gun.

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Accuracy of stock Ruger MKIII and Springfield Loaded at 50 yards Empty Re: Accuracy of stock Ruger MKIII and Springfield Loaded at 50 yards

Post by DavidR 6/12/2014, 12:17 pm

Rugers like that will shoot 2'' or less with good ammo, but try downloading those 200's if they are lead to 3.9 and you should group better, 4.5 bullseye is hot for a lead load with a 185 or 200 lswc.

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Accuracy of stock Ruger MKIII and Springfield Loaded at 50 yards Empty Re: Accuracy of stock Ruger MKIII and Springfield Loaded at 50 yards

Post by knightimac 6/12/2014, 1:43 pm

Accuracy of stock Ruger MKIII and Springfield Loaded at 50 yards 22grou12

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Accuracy of stock Ruger MKIII and Springfield Loaded at 50 yards Empty Re: Accuracy of stock Ruger MKIII and Springfield Loaded at 50 yards

Post by knightimac 6/12/2014, 1:46 pm

Accuracy of stock Ruger MKIII and Springfield Loaded at 50 yards 45grou11

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Accuracy of stock Ruger MKIII and Springfield Loaded at 50 yards Empty Re: Accuracy of stock Ruger MKIII and Springfield Loaded at 50 yards

Post by knightimac 6/12/2014, 1:49 pm

Well I half a.. downloaded them. Not sure how to make them bigger?

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Accuracy of stock Ruger MKIII and Springfield Loaded at 50 yards Empty Re: Accuracy of stock Ruger MKIII and Springfield Loaded at 50 yards

Post by knightimac 6/12/2014, 1:52 pm

Simmons Dot on both guns.

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Accuracy of stock Ruger MKIII and Springfield Loaded at 50 yards Empty Re: Accuracy of stock Ruger MKIII and Springfield Loaded at 50 yards

Post by AllAces 6/12/2014, 2:53 pm

Try 3.8 gr N310 with a factory crimp with those 200 gr LSWC bullets.

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Accuracy of stock Ruger MKIII and Springfield Loaded at 50 yards Empty Re: Accuracy of stock Ruger MKIII and Springfield Loaded at 50 yards

Post by TampaTim 6/12/2014, 7:26 pm

Ctrl + will make them bigger


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