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moving the sights

Rob Kovach
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moving the sights Empty moving the sights

Post by AlexAlphabet 6/12/2014, 8:09 pm

Just a comment here.
I've been shooting for about a year and really like it. the matches are super fun and its really because of the great people i have met.
I shoot with my buddy Rob. I'm not good on 45 and he keeps telling me to adjust the dot. "there are knobs on there for a reason" he tells me. But i don't move them. we 'sighted' in the dot on a lock in rest and it must be me thats the problem for the low scores (misses).

So there was no pistol match last weekend and we did a rifle match. I have only shot 100 yards at my club and this was going to be 200, 300 and 600. I also never shot laying down. 
Out I go and meet more awesome people. I was dialed in at 100 yards so 200 was cake.
300 yards, my neighbor said 6 clicks up... all on target
at 600 yards " better give it another 12" First shot dirt, more up, low right (paper but miss), more up, then too high but score.
the next 20 shots i moved the sights around a TON. but all 20 were scoring shots.

So my story take away. Rob is right: "the knobs on there are for a reason". 
I'll be practicing pistol for my trip to Perry, and you better believe, i'll be adjusting the sights.


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moving the sights Empty Re: moving the sights

Post by Rob Kovach 6/12/2014, 8:48 pm

UH Huh...Rob is right....but never on time..
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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moving the sights Empty Re: moving the sights

Post by DeweyHales 6/13/2014, 5:49 am

Technique shoots the group. Screw drivers put it in the right place.

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moving the sights Empty Re: moving the sights

Post by john bickar 6/13/2014, 9:35 am

DeweyHales wrote:Technique shoots the group. Screw drivers put it in the right place.

That is a great way of putting it.
john bickar
john bickar

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moving the sights Empty Re: moving the sights

Post by DavidR 6/13/2014, 10:27 am

zeroing from a rest wont cut it, you must do it out of your hand, to make it easier start at 50 feet, a 45 zeroed at 50 feet will shoot about 2 clicks low on a UD at 25 yds, then just go UP on the elevation a additional  4-5 clicks when you shoot 50 yds, this will get you close. once you see where your shot groups are located on the target, fine tune by moving the windage and elevation to move the group into the X ring

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moving the sights Empty Re: moving the sights

Post by james r chapman 6/13/2014, 10:56 am

john bickar wrote:
DeweyHales wrote:Technique shoots the group. Screw drivers put it in the right place.

That is a great way of putting it.

james r chapman
james r chapman

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