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What's in your pistol box?

Jack H
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What's in your pistol box? Empty What's in your pistol box?

Post by bmac 6/13/2014, 12:31 pm

The title pretty much says it all. What do you keep in your pistol box? Anything out of the ordinary?


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What's in your pistol box? Empty Re: What's in your pistol box?

Post by bmac 6/13/2014, 1:07 pm

I should add this is what I currently have in mine. As a new bullseye shooter, I'm not sure if I have everything I need (or too much stuff).

Pistol Box
2 pistols 22/45 MKIII & LB Hardball
2 chamber flags
6 mags for .22 and 4 for .45
brass bag
masking tape
black and buff pasters
extra staples
sharpie marker
screwdriver for adjusting sights

Small backpack
Hearing protection
Water bottle
Small first aid kit
mechanix gloves (not for shooting)
small notebook


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What's in your pistol box? Empty Re: What's in your pistol box?

Post by Jack H 6/13/2014, 1:40 pm

You should add at least some cleaner stuff, hand rag, eye protection, backup ear plugs, squib rods, lube, small needle nose pliers or forceps.....

and if you are like me, a ton of other stuff rarely needed if at all.  But you never know....
Jack H
Jack H

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What's in your pistol box? Empty Re: What's in your pistol box?

Post by DavidR 6/13/2014, 1:43 pm

scope, rag, oil, tools, 2, 22 mags. 3, 45, ear protection, glasses, squib rod, cleaning rod, safety flag and small hardware cloth screen and two clamps. everything else goes in a Dillon gun bag.

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What's in your pistol box? Empty Re: What's in your pistol box?

Post by AllAces 6/13/2014, 2:05 pm

Box Contents for 2700
Rimfire Gun
Centerfire Gun
Empty Chamber Indicators (some spare weed wacker line for those who forget their ECI)
Microfiber cloth (for wiping sweat off hands)
Timer for slowfire
Small calculator
Cleaning Rod
Rimfire Magazines and loading tool
Stapler and Staples (ends marked red to know when I’m running out)
Rosen bag
Wooden dowel
Ear Plugs (extra disposal plugs for those that forget)
Anti-fog for shooting glasses
Pelican Case with the following:
Notebook; pen; pencil; Ultradot adjustment tool; scoring templates; Swiss Army knife; small multi-tool with pliers; Allen wrenches; punch; steel bushing wrench; cleaning patches; permanent marker pen; extra batteries for Ultradot; Mojo; Tylenol
Brass Catcher carried separate 
Brass Screen
Two small clamps
Ammo Bag
Rimfire; Centerfire; .45 ACP ammo, plus some extra
Masking tape
Centerfire Magazines
1911 Magazines
Clip Board (for score cards)
Large Ziploc bag (keep clip board, scoring cards, tape when it rains)
Packable rain jacket (when the forecast is for rain)
Medium Ziploc bag for brass
Hearing Protection (muffs)
50 ft of dummy cord
Hydration Drinks (I now favor coconut water over Gatorade)
Snacks (carrots; yogurt; protein bar)
Paper towels
Camp Perry Extras
Mud boots
Folding Chair
Bungie Cords

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What's in your pistol box? Empty Re: What's in your pistol box?

Post by LenV 6/13/2014, 6:47 pm

Don't forget your mousepad. Or whatever you plan to set your pistol on when it is out of case and being used.

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What's in your pistol box? Empty Re: What's in your pistol box?

Post by bmac 6/13/2014, 7:57 pm

AllAces wrote:
50 ft of dummy cord
What is the cord for?


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What's in your pistol box? Empty Re: What's in your pistol box?

Post by Guest 6/13/2014, 9:40 pm

Spare safety glasses and eye glass cleaner.


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What's in your pistol box? Empty Re: What's in your pistol box?

Post by AllAces 6/13/2014, 9:45 pm

In the Army, and Combat Engineers especially, most of us carried at least 50 ft of parachute cord to make lanyards to attach various things to ones person or LBE. The purpose was to make sure the Dummy don't lose nothing, hence the term "dummy cord."  Some habits are hard to break and some habits you don't want to break.

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What's in your pistol box? Empty Re: What's in your pistol box?

Post by bmac 6/13/2014, 10:09 pm

AllAces wrote:In the Army, and Combat Engineers especially, most of us carried at least 50 ft of parachute cord to make lanyards to attach various things to ones person or LBE. The purpose was to make sure the Dummy don't lose nothing, hence the term "dummy cord."  Some habits are hard to break and some habits you don't want to break.
Smile makes sense to me!


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What's in your pistol box? Empty Re: What's in your pistol box?

Post by Yiogo 6/17/2014, 8:59 pm

M 41, Mark 111, 6 mags for each, Ammo, Glasses, pad, ECI, Q Tips, Timer, screw drivers, spare battery for Ultradot, wooden dowel, jack knife, spare ear protection, clamp, and allen wrenches for dot.

I also have a range bag with targets, stapler, staples, notebook, clipboard, pencils, masking tape, extra glasses, ear protection, targets, pasters, weed whacker line, bottle of water  and first aid kit.

Brass catcher, clamps, needle nose pliers.

Some of this equipment is not needed for indoors.



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What's in your pistol box? Empty Re: What's in your pistol box?

Post by Axehandle 6/18/2014, 8:00 am

Standard stuff.  When the tall guns outgrew my Pachmyer case my guns and magazines went into  Dillon handgun bags.   After an 18 year layoff I took a while to shoot just out of the box to make sure that I had what I needed to make it through a 2700.    The only thing I see in my box that hasn't been listed is a set of overlays.   There is a Dillon range bag that stays back in the car that pretty much contains a backup for everything.


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What's in your pistol box? Empty Re: What's in your pistol box?

Post by Axehandle 6/18/2014, 8:24 am

FWIW the one thing that a winter and spring of shooting out of my box missed.  ROSIN!  Sun came came out, I started sweating, and I needed something to dry my hands.  Ordered a couple of cans as soon as ! got home.


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What's in your pistol box? Empty Re: What's in your pistol box?

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