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Jack Maple pistol?

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Jack Maple pistol? Empty Jack Maple pistol?

Post by Sandy741 7/3/2014, 7:50 am

I recently came into possession of a .38 spl wad gun on a Colt .45. Frame.The fellow was a Master BE shooter.

This is a great gun to shoot.  But how do I find if it is a Maple pistol.


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Jack Maple pistol? Empty Re: Jack Maple pistol?

Post by DavidR 7/3/2014, 10:00 am

post pictures, of the stippling on the front strap, that will either include him or exclude him as he used a style not used by many old armorers.

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Jack Maple pistol? Empty Re: Jack Maple pistol?

Post by Skid 7/4/2014, 7:36 pm

I had a Maples gun. Take the grips off and he would have stamped his initials underneath "JM".


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Jack Maple pistol? Empty Re: Jack Maple pistol?

Post by Sandy741 7/4/2014, 8:43 pm

Thanks,will look tomorrow


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Jack Maple pistol? Empty Re: Jack Maple pistol?

Post by swissyhawk 7/6/2014, 9:16 am

I bought a hardball gun several years ago, and if I remember correctly, the seller told me it was a Jack Maples gun.  It didn't mean anything to me at the time and I had forgotten about the name until this thread reminded me of it.  I took the grips off and there aren't any initials; however, it does have unusual stippling.  Would this be a Jack Maple pistol?

Jack Maple pistol? 100_0404

Jack Maple pistol? 100_0403


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Jack Maple pistol? Empty Maple Gun

Post by Sandy741 7/7/2014, 10:23 am

DavidR wrote:post pictures, of the stippling on the front strap, that will either include him or exclude him as he used a style not used by many old armorers.
DavidR, I took some pics of the stippling and it is identical to those pictured in Swissyhawk's photos.
Any help? Are they both Maple guns? When I can figure how to post pics I'll send some.


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Jack Maple pistol? Empty Re: Jack Maple pistol?

Post by Jon Eulette 7/7/2014, 3:46 pm

Jack Maple passed away on July 2nd.


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Jon Eulette

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Jack Maple pistol? Empty Re: Jack Maple pistol?

Post by DavidR 7/8/2014, 9:44 am

wow sorry to hear he passed, hard to say it looks a little different but then it also looks like what Travis Strahan did too.

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Jack Maple pistol? Empty Re: Jack Maple pistol?

Post by oldguy 7/10/2014, 11:30 am

Sandy741, Hi I am new here and this is my first post, but If you like I can PM you with some ways to ID Jacks guns. At one time I had five 45's and three 22's that he made up for me. Also he did not always stamp JM under the grips. But he did have other ways to id his guns when they were made for the USAMU shooters. oldguy


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Jack Maple pistol? Empty Re: Jack Maple pistol?

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