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Clark 1911 Heavy Slide Quality/Worth?

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Clark 1911 Heavy Slide Quality/Worth? Empty Clark 1911 Heavy Slide Quality/Worth?

Post by beeser 7/4/2014, 6:33 pm

I stumbled on a Jim Clark - Colt 1911 .38 Special Heavy Slide and was wondering about its quality and worth.  It has a scope or red dot mounted on the top rail.  According to Clark's website - "[size=32] Due to function problems with the slower, softer slide action of .38 Special pistols, slide mounted scope bases will not be installed. All conversions include a Clark ramped .38 Special barrel."[/size]

Apparently the scope base was included on this gun before the problems described above.  Is the gun still worth pursuing?  Is it possible to purchase another slide?


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Clark 1911 Heavy Slide Quality/Worth? Empty Re: Clark 1911 Heavy Slide Quality/Worth?

Post by Jon Eulette 7/4/2014, 8:12 pm

I've been shooting a Clark longslide. 38 for over 20 years with a scope on it. Shot 889, so I think it'll do just fine. Might need minor adjusting to function.  I make a custom scope mount for pistols with Bomar mini-rib, so you can keep irons on it and easily switch back and forth with no loss of zero. Most Clark .38 ' s are loose and function fine provided that magazines are good.
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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Clark 1911 Heavy Slide Quality/Worth? Empty Re: Clark 1911 Heavy Slide Quality/Worth?

Post by Larry Lang 7/23/2014, 1:39 pm

beeser, you got rich people problems.
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Larry Lang

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Clark 1911 Heavy Slide Quality/Worth? Empty Re: Clark 1911 Heavy Slide Quality/Worth?

Post by Colt711 7/23/2014, 1:55 pm

It is not unusual to see the .38 spl conversion set up w/ a slide mounted red dot. I have 2, a Giles and an unknown. Another shooter in our group has a Clark LS with a slide mount which he's used for many years.

HOWEVER, unless I were shooting into the 870's  would spend the money on loading and match entry fees!!

Ron Habegger


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Clark 1911 Heavy Slide Quality/Worth? Empty Re: Clark 1911 Heavy Slide Quality/Worth?

Post by beeser 7/23/2014, 4:46 pm

The question is no longer relevant, to me at least.  I purchased a very nice S&W 52-2 instead.


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Join date : 2014-06-19

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Clark 1911 Heavy Slide Quality/Worth? Empty Re: Clark 1911 Heavy Slide Quality/Worth?

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