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S&W revolver in .45 ACP?

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S&W revolver in .45 ACP? Empty S&W revolver in .45 ACP?

Post by beeser 7/21/2014, 5:14 pm

As mentioned in another post I just picked up a S&W Model 27-2 and after firing it this morning for the first time I quickly became a fan of it. Is there an equivalent model chambered in .45 caliber?


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S&W revolver in .45 ACP? Empty Re: S&W revolver in .45 ACP?

Post by Rob Kovach 7/21/2014, 5:57 pm

If my memory serves me, they are Model 25s
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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S&W revolver in .45 ACP? Empty Re: S&W revolver in .45 ACP?

Post by beeser 7/21/2014, 6:38 pm

Thanks Rob! I assume it's on the same N-frame. I will definitely be putting that on my shopping list.


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S&W revolver in .45 ACP? Empty Re: S&W revolver in .45 ACP?

Post by rvlvrlvr 7/22/2014, 10:28 am

Model 25-2 "Model of 1955" (and Model 26, "Model of 1950", which is the lighter tapered-barrel version and would actually balance more similarly to the Model 27). 25-5, -7, and -9 were .45 (Long) Colt. Common barrel lengths are 6" and 6.5". Current production in the "Classics" line is the 25-10 (I believe) in .45 (Long) Colt. Other dash-numbers were commemorative and limited editions (and I think they were all chambered in .45 Long Colt).

Modern stainless version is the Model 625 (no-dash, -2, -3, -4, -6, -8; there was no -1; -5, some -6s, and -7s were .45 (Long) Colt), and could be had with 3", 4", and 5" barrels.

beeser wrote:Thanks Rob!  I assume it's on the same N-frame.  I will definitely be putting that on my shopping list.

Yup, built on the N-frame.

And then find yourself a Model 17 (smaller K-frame in .22LR) and you'll have a full set for .22, Centerfire, and .45.

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S&W revolver in .45 ACP? Empty Re: S&W revolver in .45 ACP?

Post by beeser 7/22/2014, 10:43 am

You may be reading my mind rvlvrlvr.  I already have a 17-2 although it doesn't have target grips/trigger/hammer.  The 25 would complete the set but I might also like a Model 31 chambered in what I believe is .32 caliber.  I don't know what it is with revolvers but they are uniquely appealing to me at least.


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S&W revolver in .45 ACP? Empty Re: S&W revolver in .45 ACP?

Post by rvlvrlvr 7/22/2014, 10:49 am

beeser wrote:You may be reading my mind rvlvrlvr.  I already have a 17-2 although it doesn't have target grips/trigger/hammer.  The 25 would complete the set but I might also like a Model 31 chambered in what I believe is .32 caliber.

The 31 is a J-frame, more suitable for low-recoil concealed carry and perhaps as a "kit gun". The Model 16 is what I'd recommend for use in Bullseye matches - K-frame, 6" barrel with target sights, chambered in .32 S&W Long (no-dash, -1, -2, and -3) and .32 H&R Magnum (-4, which also had a full-underlug barrel). These are fairly rare and don't come on the market very often, and when they do they can go for multi-thousands of dollars. Might actually be easier to buy a more-common Model 14 (like the 16 and 17, 6" w/ target sights, chambered in .38 Special) and buy a Model 17 cylinder and barrel and have a gunsmith ream them out for .32 (Model 16 cylinder and barrels are also rare).

beeser wrote:I don't know what it is with revolvers but they are uniquely appealing to me at least.

I do have a Model 17, 14, and 25...and one day I will use them all in a Bullseye match, purely out of tradition =)

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S&W revolver in .45 ACP? Empty Re: S&W revolver in .45 ACP?

Post by schmeg 7/23/2014, 3:44 pm

I have a 25-2 Model of 1955 that is available if your interested. I'll post some pics if you wish.


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S&W revolver in .45 ACP? Empty Re: S&W revolver in .45 ACP?

Post by beeser 7/23/2014, 4:57 pm

schmeg wrote:I have a 25-2 Model of 1955 that is available if your interested. I'll post some pics if you wish.
Yes, please post some pics or PM me them with a price.  I'm already looking at a couple from a few of the online sites but always appreciate options.  Besides, I prefer buying from folks here.  I did with my recently acquired S&W 52-2 and couldn't be happier with it.


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S&W revolver in .45 ACP? Empty Re: S&W revolver in .45 ACP?

Post by schmeg 7/23/2014, 5:46 pm

Here are some pics. Lighting is crummy plus the cell phone doesn't do well. The gun is about a 95 percent gun. Nice looking and very tight. These go for 1200-1500 on GB. Here is the deal with this gun. Below the serial number, the frame is struck as a 25-5 which normally would be a 45 colt of early eighties. The non-pinned barrel would support this model. The serial number has an "S" prefix which would indicate it's a 1967 25-2 in 45ACP. Which it is indeed a 45ACP. So I'm not sure what has created this frankengun because I bought it at a local gun shop last fall as a used gun. My best guess is the original owner might have sent a damaged 25-2 into Smith for repair and they replaced the frame, struck the old serial number on it. It has oversized cylinder chambers which was somewhat normal for this model in the sixties. If you shoot jacketed stuff and .454 sized lead, it will drill tacks. If you shoot .452 lead, it loses some accuracy. I have had a hard time with the N frame grip size with my small hands, so I am replacing it with something that will fit me better maybe in another caliber or 45ACP. Not sure yet. I love loading for this caliber, and the gun is a joy to shoot. I PM'd you with pricing/offer. Jay
S&W revolver in .45 ACP? Attachment
model 25-1.jpeg You don't have permission to download attachments.(137 Kb) Downloaded 2 times
S&W revolver in .45 ACP? Attachment
model 25-2.jpeg You don't have permission to download attachments.(69 Kb) Downloaded 3 times
S&W revolver in .45 ACP? Attachment
model 25-3.jpeg You don't have permission to download attachments.(120 Kb) Downloaded 0 times
S&W revolver in .45 ACP? Attachment
model 25-4.jpeg You don't have permission to download attachments.(143 Kb) Downloaded 1 times


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S&W revolver in .45 ACP? Empty Re: S&W revolver in .45 ACP?

Post by schmeg 7/23/2014, 5:53 pm

PM sent.


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S&W revolver in .45 ACP? Empty My 3 babies

Post by Bobbo 8/5/2014, 9:34 pm

Here are my 3 bullseye revolvers.

The bottom one is a Model 25-2 with a 6.5" barrel.

The middle is a Model 14-3 with a 5.75" barrel.

The top is a K-22 with a 6" barrel. There is no model number.

S&W revolver in .45 ACP? BullseyeRevolvers_zps01e8152c


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