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Good substitute for Hornady 148 gr HBWC?

jerry lehrer
scrum derringer
Virgil Kane
Rob Kovach
james r chapman
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Good substitute for Hornady 148 gr HBWC? - Page 2 Empty Good substitute for Hornady 148 gr HBWC?

Post by beeser Fri Jul 25, 2014 4:19 pm

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Can't seem to find this in stock (H14208) anywhere online.  Any good substitutes?


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Good substitute for Hornady 148 gr HBWC? - Page 2 Empty Re: Good substitute for Hornady 148 gr HBWC?

Post by Jaymo Sat Sep 20, 2014 4:15 pm

Since the 52 uses a 9mm bore, what is the best diameter HBWC to use in it?
I'm trimming brass and about to start loading for it.
I have about 1-1/4 boxes of Hornady HBWC, but want to try Remington, Speer, and, Zero HBWC.

Thanks for any help.
I recently got my 52-1. Unfired, as new, in box.
Ship date would be between January and March of 1965.
But, there may not have been a ship date.
The slide engraving indicates it is the one given to Sgt Bonnie D. Harmon when he won the 1965 National Center Fire Pistol Championship.

I'm going to letter it, but that will take 4-5 months.
The reason there may not be a ship date is because I think it was given to him by S&W.
If the manufacturer directly gave it to him, I'm not sure the letter will indicate a ship date.


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Good substitute for Hornady 148 gr HBWC? - Page 2 Empty Re: Good substitute for Hornady 148 gr HBWC?

Post by jerry lehrer Sat Sep 20, 2014 6:59 pm

I would not shoot that pistol.  Keep it pristine.


jerry lehrer

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Good substitute for Hornady 148 gr HBWC? - Page 2 Empty Re: Good substitute for Hornady 148 gr HBWC?

Post by KenO Sat Sep 20, 2014 8:22 pm

After a search, I bought some HBWCs from http://precisiondelta.com/index.php/products/bullet.html/  I bought the match lubed ones, I don't know what the lube is for these, it resembles moly, doesn't have lube grooves.


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Good substitute for Hornady 148 gr HBWC? - Page 2 Empty Re: Good substitute for Hornady 148 gr HBWC?

Post by C.Perkins Sat Sep 20, 2014 8:31 pm


Glad you finally have an M52 since you have been wanting one.
I would shoot the heck out of it.
Get whatever 148gr HBWC you can come across and load them up and shoot.
All guns like a certain load combination and some it does not matter.
Only your gun will tell you.
I have only had Remingtons through mine cause that is what I found to feed it.
Since getting low on Rem's have found some Speer and Hornady to test the waters once the temp out here in Phoenix lets up(fall and winter is the shooting season out here).
I know what I and the Remingtons can do and it is time to see what other loads will do through this fine pistol.
Good or bad, no matter.
I just love shooting this pistol, it will go to the grave with me.

As far as being presented to the 1965 centerfire champion, the gun may have been purchased by the NRA and then engrave by them and presented to the centerfire champion.
Most likely it has 1965 centerfire champion engraved on it and not his name ?
I would probably get it lettered just for the heck of it and keep it with the pistol.

Enjoy your M52


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Good substitute for Hornady 148 gr HBWC? - Page 2 Empty Re: Good substitute for Hornady 148 gr HBWC?

Post by kwixdraw Sat Sep 20, 2014 9:11 pm

If you don't mind casting your own, NOE Molds has two and four cavity molds that cast 148 gr HBWCs. Also a .44 Caliber 215gr HBWC. Good quality stuff and you will get good service from them. Since we are all about accuracy here I would recommend you get the mold drilled for their digital mold thermometer. The thermometers sell for around $30 but it really helps you cast consistent bullets, batch after batch. Then you can size and lube them as you see fit. The four cavity RG (their code for hollow point or hollow base) mold goes for $133. I have two of their hollow point molds and they work very well.

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