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Casing Recommendation and Source?

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Casing Recommendation and Source? Empty Casing Recommendation and Source?

Post by beeser Sat Jul 26, 2014 12:47 pm

Looks like I have or have ordered just about everything to begin reloading except the number of casings saved from factory ammo is limited.  What cases are recommended and what's a good source for them?  I did a brief search for .38 special cases and haven't found any in stock.  For some reason .45acp stock seems much better.  I'll probably only reload .38 wadcutters and .45acp for now and will start with the later first.  I seem to recall you guys mentioning that the .38 special wadcutters can be a little tricky.


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Casing Recommendation and Source? Empty Re: Casing Recommendation and Source?

Post by AllAces Sat Jul 26, 2014 1:16 pm

Here are a couple sources of once fired brass



If you run out of luck, PM me and I can send you a couple hundred to get you started.

For .38 full wadcutters, especially if shooting in a S&W Model 52, I highly recommend using a Lee Factory Crimp Die for the last stage.

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Casing Recommendation and Source? Empty Re: Casing Recommendation and Source?

Post by Steve B Sat Jul 26, 2014 2:01 pm

It's hard to beat Starline brass.  You can buy direct from them and they're real consistent.

Steve B

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Casing Recommendation and Source? Empty Re: Casing Recommendation and Source?

Post by james r chapman Sat Jul 26, 2014 3:30 pm

james r chapman
james r chapman

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Casing Recommendation and Source? Empty Re: Casing Recommendation and Source?

Post by C.Perkins Sat Jul 26, 2014 6:09 pm

As far as .45 brass, as mentioned Starline directly from them.
A box of 500 will last forever, only lost a few to attrition.
Had an extra box of 500 that I never dug into and sold it with the sale of my .45

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Age : 61
Location : Surrounded by pines in Wi.

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Casing Recommendation and Source? Empty Re: Casing Recommendation and Source?

Post by beeser Sat Jul 26, 2014 6:15 pm

I was hoping to get the .45 and .38 brass at the same time but it looks like different manufacturers are recommend for each of them.  Besides I can't seem to find new .38 casings anyway.  So, I'll go ahead and order the Starline .45 for now.  Thanks for the help guys!


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Join date : 2014-06-19

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Casing Recommendation and Source? Empty Re: Casing Recommendation and Source?

Post by beeser Sat Jul 26, 2014 6:30 pm

Done.  Shipping with Starline was free!  Can't beat that.

While looking at their inventory of brass I noticed that many of the cases come in +P as well as a standard size.  The .38 special +P is apparently the same case but is stamped differently just to separate case loads.  I was wondering if any of you use the +P cases with standard loads.  Or is that not a good idea.


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Casing Recommendation and Source? Empty Re: Casing Recommendation and Source?

Post by C.Perkins Sat Jul 26, 2014 6:40 pm

I do not see any problem at all.
The .45 +P will be a little thicker in the web area and hold a bit less powder but we only shoot lower velocity target loads anyway so that is a moot point.
Would also be able to pick out your brass on the floor with the +P stamping instead of applying magic marker colors to know it is your brass and not someone else's which a lot of shooters do.


Posts : 742
Join date : 2011-06-13
Age : 61
Location : Surrounded by pines in Wi.

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