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Completing my reloading setup, what else?

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Completing my reloading setup, what else? Empty Completing my reloading setup, what else?

Post by beeser Sun Jul 27, 2014 2:45 pm

I have or on order most if not all of what's needed to begin reloading but wanted to make sure.  It's not easy getting stuff here in our somewhat rural setting.  So I would like to order now what's missing.  Here's a list of everything I've assembled so far.  Anything else needed?

Dillon XL 650 and whatever comes standard with it
Dillon carbide die set
Dillon sizing gauge
Ohaus scale, balance beam type
Starline cases
Bullseye, Unique and AutoComp powder
Mitutoyo digital calipers
Lyman Reloading Handbook, 49th ed.
Reloading Handbooks of various calibers

I was thinking of getting a digital scale as a backup or to make life easier.  The Gempro 250 seems to get good reviews.  What do you recommend?  I also plan to get something to clean brass casings but will wait until I've accumulated enough of them.  Besides I still haven't decided on what method to use yet.  We already beat that horse to death though.  I just need to decide.  Anything else, small or otherwise?


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Completing my reloading setup, what else? Empty Re: Completing my reloading setup, what else?

Post by BE Mike Sun Jul 27, 2014 6:46 pm

I've used the Dillon D-terminator electronic scale and now have the Lyman DPS III. Both have been super accurate. I like the Lyman because it not only serves as a scale, but also takes the place of a powder measure, when I want to throw exact charges (usually for maximum hunting loads or match rifle loads).
BE Mike
BE Mike

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Completing my reloading setup, what else? Empty Re: Completing my reloading setup, what else?

Post by DavidR Mon Jul 28, 2014 9:49 am

gempro is nice, older dillion is good too, it was made by ohaus. electronic is faster stay away from rcbs they are not as accurate in my experience. you might want to get a dial knob for the Dillon powder measure way better than the stock one, look on ebay.

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Completing my reloading setup, what else? Empty Re: Completing my reloading setup, what else?

Post by beeser Mon Jul 28, 2014 10:50 am

DavidR wrote:gempro is nice, older dillion is good too, it was made by ohaus. electronic is faster stay away from rcbs they are not as accurate in my experience. you might want to get a dial knob for the Dillon powder measure way better than the stock one, look on ebay.
Thanks Dave!  Coincidently, I was looking at the dial knobs on eBay last night.


Posts : 1148
Join date : 2014-06-19

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