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Containers for gunpowder???

james r chapman
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Containers for gunpowder??? Empty Containers for gunpowder???

Post by dstates 7/28/2014, 10:04 am

I have a friend who bought an 8 lb keg of Bullseye at Camp Perry knowing he would sell me 2 lbs of it.  Are there any special requirements for the container I put the 2 lbs into? 



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Containers for gunpowder??? Empty Re: Containers for gunpowder???

Post by AllAces 7/28/2014, 10:25 am

Perhaps the nalgene bottles that hikers use for water, or the metal bottles used by hikers for camping stove fuel.


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Containers for gunpowder??? Empty Re: Containers for gunpowder???

Post by james r chapman 7/28/2014, 11:20 am

Empty bullseye bottles. Ask your shooting' buds
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Containers for gunpowder??? Empty Re: Containers for gunpowder???

Post by beeser 7/28/2014, 12:46 pm

I read somewhere that it was prudent to use anti-static plastic bottles for storage of gunpowder and that is what's used by powder manufacturers.  With our sometimes very dry climate here in Arizona I was eventually going to ask about what measures are recommended to deal with static electricity while reloading.  Maybe I'll ask that question in another thread so as not to hijack this one.


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Containers for gunpowder??? Empty Re: Containers for gunpowder???

Post by Jack H 7/28/2014, 2:01 pm

If I recall, the 100 pound kegs of 4831 we used to get we lined with plastic bags of material not unlike visqueen.  i.e. big baggies. 

We dispensed it a can at a time using old tennis ball cans.  The kind that had the sardine can opening key.  

Whatever you do make sure it gets labeled.
Jack H
Jack H

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Containers for gunpowder??? Empty Re: Containers for gunpowder???

Post by GrumpyOldMan 7/28/2014, 2:06 pm

No glass. Nothing clear or translucent. Light degrades nitrocellulose rather quickly.

Static is a concern but can be dealt with. Takes a mondo spark to light this stuff up, but you don't want to be the one in a million guy.


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Containers for gunpowder??? Empty Re: Containers for gunpowder???

Post by Guest 7/28/2014, 5:56 pm

james r chapman wrote:Empty bullseye bottles. Ask your shooting' buds
Best suggestion.  I bet I throw out seven or eight a year.  BUT------MAKE SURE YOU CLEARLY LABEL IT.



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Containers for gunpowder??? Empty Re: Containers for gunpowder???

Post by 243winxb 7/28/2014, 6:31 pm

Powder bottles are HDPE (High Density Polyethylene). Black keeps the sun/light off* the powder.

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Containers for gunpowder??? Empty Re: Containers for gunpowder???

Post by beeser 7/28/2014, 7:19 pm

Sort of related but I could use some empty AutoComp 1 lb. containers.  Anyone have any?


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Containers for gunpowder??? Empty Re: Containers for gunpowder???

Post by Axehandle 7/29/2014, 6:31 am

Beware!  A lot of effort goes into the design and construction of powder containers.    Lots of room for bad things to happen if you use anything else.


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Containers for gunpowder??? Empty Re: Containers for gunpowder???

Post by GrumpyOldMan 7/29/2014, 11:09 pm

beeser wrote:Sort of related but I could use some empty AutoComp 1 lb. containers.  Anyone have any?
Where was this discussion 3 months ago???  Pretty sure mine is empty, label peeled and full of water waiting to be shot.

Or maybe it's been shot already. But for you, I'll check anyway.

As a former PR guy who graduated college just in time for the desktop publishing revolution, I suggest that you just use any old *powder* container, and print out a photo of the AutoComp label on your handy-dandy color printer, and use that can of 3M 77 or whatever spray glue to stick it on. Preserve that brand identity, you know...


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Location : High Desert Southwest Red Rock Country

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Containers for gunpowder??? Empty Re: Containers for gunpowder???

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