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Matches per year.

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Matches per year. Empty Matches per year.

Post by Dave C. 7/28/2011, 8:57 am

Has anyone done a poll on classification verses # of matches shot per year?

Dave C.
Dave C.
Dave C.

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Post by Founder 7/28/2011, 8:57 pm

No but it's a good idea!

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Post by Jack H 7/29/2011, 1:35 am

Number of matches ==> Classification?

Yes and No. Number of matches is more related to your location and/or ability to travel.

Classification breaks are excellently divided by the rules. Performance plateaus seem to fit the class breaks perfectly. I would be very interested in a discussion on what you think is the actual physical and mental difference between shooting 90-94% average and 95+% average. The same for all class breaks/plateaus too.
Jack H
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Post by jakuda 7/29/2011, 5:33 pm

From what I've seen from perusing match bulletins and talking to other experienced competitors, sharpshooters and experts alike seem to plateau around slowfire scores of 175-177. Experts tend to have better sustained fire scores to bring their average above 90%.

Sharpshooters close to breaking into expert, like me, are trying to bring up their cf/45 rapid fire scores...keep everything in the black.

To get to master level, it looks like one needs to shoot around 865 for the 22, and for CF/45 shoot 90% slow fire, and 97% sustained.

It seems everyone is mentally negative for the long line, and are grateful to get it over with and move on to the "easier" timed/rapid fire.

Personally, I like the long line more, and tend to see better progress in my slow fire scores.


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Post by Founder 7/29/2011, 10:32 pm

There is a saying "matches are won in slow fire and lost in rapid fire"

You need to put the whole package together, low to mid 90's in slow fire leaves you room to breath in sustained fire. 90 in slow fire = 270 points 97's in sustained fire = 582 for an aggregate of 852 . 3 points shy of Master, your 865 in 22 would carry you to a 95.15 average.

Personally I think dry firing and a good exercise regimen will do as much as a 2700 twice a month. I would love to do both. I get about 6 outdoor matches done in a year. One is Perry, two are only 1800 and one is the State Outdoor 2700. Not enough hands on for me.

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Age : 51
Location : Brooklyn, WI.


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Post by Dave C. 8/2/2011, 4:58 pm

I have found that the more matches I shoot the better I score.

And if I am unable to get to many matches my scores fall off.
Dave C.
Dave C.

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Post by Dave C. 8/2/2011, 4:59 pm

I have found that the more matches I shoot the better I score.

And if I am unable to get to many matches my scores fall off.
Dave C.
Dave C.

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Join date : 2011-06-13

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