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Range Officer 9mm ----> .38 Special Wadcutter

Virgil Kane
Jon Eulette
3 gun Gus
Rob Kovach
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Range Officer 9mm ----> .38 Special Wadcutter - Page 2 Empty Range Officer 9mm ----> .38 Special Wadcutter

Post by beeser 8/6/2014, 10:07 pm

First topic message reminder :

How difficult would it be for SA to convert the 9mm Range Officer to a .38 Special Wadcutter?


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Range Officer 9mm ----> .38 Special Wadcutter - Page 2 Empty Re: Range Officer 9mm ----> .38 Special Wadcutter

Post by LenV 8/23/2014, 11:40 am

Apples and oranges Beeser. Or should I say Mustangs and Shelbys. They made a lot of 45 acps and easy to find good ones. This post was about 38 spl and they are not easy to find good ones. I thought you ( or someone) might like to see a neat one foe sale. FYI gunbroker has new magazines for sale also. OK,they are not cheap. I agree with Art that I have never seen a 9mm tumble but have seen a lot of wadcutters hit the target sideways.


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Range Officer 9mm ----> .38 Special Wadcutter - Page 2 Empty Re: Range Officer 9mm ----> .38 Special Wadcutter

Post by Jerry Keefer 8/23/2014, 1:56 pm

OldMaster64 wrote:but have seen a lot of wadcutters hit the target sideways.

The 148 gr HBWC shot well out of fast twist barrels.. 10 and 12 twist..even got  less than  one inch groups from good 14 twist barrels. No tipping at the 50 yard target. The Slow 18 twist S&W factory barrels nearly all demonstrated a slight "yaw" on the target face.  I believe the S&W 52 would have benefited from a faster twist..Like Jon said, I could never get good groups with the factory 52 barrels. The 9mm in 32 twist with 147 gr, did not shoot well at all.. To slow..It shot the lighter bullets well. I am like KC I no longer work on sub caliber CF guns..The return is not worth the effort IMHO.  A finely set up 1911 in 45 is just too tough to beat.. 
I am hearing some good info on the Pardini 32 ACP from those in the mix,  that sounds quite promising. We'll wait and see.
Jerry Keefer
Jerry Keefer

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Range Officer 9mm ----> .38 Special Wadcutter - Page 2 Empty Re: Range Officer 9mm ----> .38 Special Wadcutter

Post by Jack H 8/23/2014, 2:53 pm

The only 38s I ever saw shoot HBWC under 2" have been Colt Revolvers.  And a couple of them have been superb.
Jack H
Jack H

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