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Distinguished Revolver Loads

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Distinguished Revolver Loads Empty Distinguished Revolver Loads

Post by Kermit Workman 8/8/2014, 11:05 am

I have done some testing to come up with a load that I could use for DR competition. I will list the loads in no particular order.
First the particulars: The firearm used was a S&W Model 14-6 in a Ransom Rest. Loads were made on a RCBS rockcucker with RCBS dies.Powder charges were thrown from a RCBS Uni-Flow powder measure. Bullets were my cast from a RCBS 158 RN mold and a NEI 158 gn. SWC mold. Bullets were lubed with a Star lubri-sizer with a .358 die which is actually .3577. Lube was White's Carnuaba Red. The distance is 50 yards and groups are CTC.
Here are the results:
4.5 gns. of WW231 with NEI 158 SWC 1st group 1 5/8"  2nd group 2 1/4" 3rd group 2 1/2"

3.5 gns of WST with RCBS 158 RN  1st group1 15/16" 2nd group 2 1/4"

4.0 gns. of BE with RCBS 158 RN   2 1/8"

4.1 gns. of BE with RCBS 158 RN  3 1/4"
I settled on the 3.5 gns of WST for recoil reasons. The 4.0 of BE and 4.5 gns of WW231 were pretty heavy and would be difficult to handle in rapid fire. Thet were more consistent and better in accuacy that the milder loaded bullets.
 I would like to include another part in this story. I ordered and waited a year on a special four cavity mold to cast bullets faster. I ordered the die to cast .360 diameter. I thought order a little large and size to .358.After receiving that mold, it is a total disaster in my set-up. When the sized bullet passes through the bore, each rifling in the barrel distorts the base of the bullet. When one of these bullets is driven through the bore as a slug the edge of the base looks like roller coaster. The base of the bullet is distorted nearly to the center of the base. I could never get any of these bullets to group. Groups sizes were 9 to 15 to ?? inches.

Kermit Workman

Posts : 157
Join date : 2011-06-11
Age : 69
Location : Lenore, WV

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Distinguished Revolver Loads Empty Re: Distinguished Revolver Loads

Post by james r chapman 8/8/2014, 3:10 pm

All lead bullets are marked by the lands like that. Pictures maybe?

What is your cylinder throat sizes???
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Distinguished Revolver Loads Empty Re: Distinguished Revolver Loads

Post by Ghillieman 8/10/2014, 4:59 am

My best DR load is the EXACT SAME as your 3.5 WST load.

I'm trying 4gr Unique right now, it's good but has a longer recoil impulse.

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Distinguished Revolver Loads Empty Re: Distinguished Revolver Loads

Post by Kermit Workman 8/10/2014, 9:29 pm

James Chapman
 The cylinder throats are right at .3577. A sized bullet can be inserted with a little force. I can't mic the bore because of the 5 rifling. I could not find a way to attach a picture unless I upload the pic to photobucket or something. Send me your e-mail and I will send you a pic. The rifling distorts the bullet base from the land to very near the center of the bullet. I cant get the bullet to shoot at all. I loaded some of the bullets with 4.5gns. of WW231 like the load I had used with the NEI mold with success. I started the CF match thinking that the two bullets would shoot nearly the same and with near equal accuracy. The target was a 27 or 29 SF. There were 3 visable misses and 2 shots not on the paper. I have not been able to hold all 10 shots on a 24 X 24" target at 50 yards out of a ransom rest. On the other hand bullets from both other two cavity molds can be tuned to shoot decently.

Kermit Workman

Posts : 157
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Age : 69
Location : Lenore, WV

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Distinguished Revolver Loads Empty Re: Distinguished Revolver Loads

Post by james r chapman 8/10/2014, 10:11 pm

I'd suggest trying the 4.0 ww231 load. You should stay in the 800-850fps range. It could be a bullet hardness issue, but, take some chore boy brass and scrub your barrel and throat clean of any lead build up. It's sometimes amazing how that can shrink groups.

james r chapman
james r chapman

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Distinguished Revolver Loads Empty Re: Distinguished Revolver Loads

Post by Virgil Kane 8/11/2014, 7:15 am

Measuring 5 groove rifling.

Rap a .002 feeler gauge around the bullet and measure with a micrometer, subtract .004 from final reading to make up for what the .002 feeler gauge is on both sides of the bullet and that should give you an idea of what the bore diameter is. This is the simplest way to measure bores with 5 rifled grooves, may not be ultra precise for measuring down to .0000 but gets you in the ballpark .


Virgil Kane

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