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Finally after two years of searching and waiting.

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Finally after two years of searching and waiting. Empty Finally after two years of searching and waiting.

Post by C.Perkins 8/8/2014, 7:59 pm

I have a 1968 manufacture M52-1 that I use for Bullseye centerfire and plan on taking it to the grave with me cause it is accurate and a work of art.
Been looking for a spare old style extractor just in case.
Happened on a seller on Gunbroker with a stated used extractor but looking at the pictures it looked new and hoped that it was.
It arrived today and yes, brand spanking new.
Also bought a firing pin and slide stop for extras, just in case.
They were also brand spanking new.
Good things come to those whom wait  Smile 
Had to share.


Posts : 742
Join date : 2011-06-13
Age : 61
Location : Surrounded by pines in Wi.

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Finally after two years of searching and waiting. Empty Re: Finally after two years of searching and waiting.

Post by Astroimage2002 8/8/2014, 9:00 pm

Darn NICE! Glad you found it.



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Location : Northern Indiana

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Finally after two years of searching and waiting. Empty Re: Finally after two years of searching and waiting.

Post by AllAces 8/9/2014, 6:45 am

To add a little to this post, just before Camp Perry I had problems with the extractor on my 52-2. I'm not attached to very many guns, but like Clarence, my 52 goes with me. Finding a new extractor for a 52-2 is not easy, but Clarence had one and mailed it to me in time for Perry. With the new extractor installed I was able to shoot the gun at Perry.

When I first got into Bullseye folks told me I wouldn't meet any finer people anywhere.  

Clarence, you are a fine gentleman and I hope we meet at Perry one day because I owe you a cold one, or two.


Posts : 745
Join date : 2011-08-30

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Finally after two years of searching and waiting. Empty Re: Finally after two years of searching and waiting.

Post by C.Perkins 8/9/2014, 8:17 pm

Thanks All Aces for the kind words;
Kind of odd that I have been looking for an old style extractor and you were looking for a new style extractor, sent the new style to you and within a few weeks an old style extractor pops up.
Amazing how things work out.
One of these days I will make it to Perry.
I hope by then it will still be the traditional way of paper turning targets  Wink 


Posts : 742
Join date : 2011-06-13
Age : 61
Location : Surrounded by pines in Wi.

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Finally after two years of searching and waiting. Empty Re: Finally after two years of searching and waiting.

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