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Electronic scale

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Electronic scale Empty Electronic scale

Post by Russ OR 8/15/2014, 4:19 pm

Another post mentioned problems with an Electronic Scale-
A year ago I purchased a Myweigh Gem-Pro 250 http://www.oldwillknottscales.com/search.asp?keyword=Myweigh+gempro+250&x=17&y=12   from Old Will Knott Scales. I'm happy with it so far. I use the AC adapter, no batteries.-From my experience I'd get another one. The little scoop is not handy- I use the scoop from my blue beam scale.  -- -  2¢ ---- YMMV. --

Russ OR

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Electronic scale Empty Re: Electronic scale

Post by DavidR 8/16/2014, 10:29 am

I have owned two of them, they are very good, sold mine to move up to a ohaus navigator scientific scale. But you cant beat the gempro, like my ohaus it weighs one more digit than all the commercial reloading scales, allows us anal loaders to get loads to a closer to correct load. Like my old rcbs and dillons weighed say 3.9 grain, on my ohaus it tells you 3.95

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Electronic scale Empty Re: Electronic scale

Post by Otiso 8/16/2014, 7:36 pm

My ay123 has .02 grains resolution. It isn't a scale that's accurate to within +/- .02 grains though. It's great for weight sorting, but when you gradually trickle powder on it, it might be anything from 45.0-45.18.
It's a good scale for checking the throws on the dillon when you just dump the powder out of the case onto it, but trying to trickle powder---forget it.
Good electronic scales that are accommodating to powder trickling use magnetic force restoration and are pricey.

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Electronic scale Empty Re: Electronic scale

Post by BE Mike 8/17/2014, 12:29 pm

I'm very happy with my Lyman 1200 DPS III. My D-Terminator before that was very good, but the Lyman does double duty, as a scale and powder measure. The Lyman D-7 balance beam was not accurate with light charge weight. After I sent it back, it wasn't accurate with large weights, i.e bullets. I made that clear to the guy I gave it to.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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