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reloading 45 and changing powder

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reloading 45 and changing powder Empty reloading 45 and changing powder

Post by AlexAlphabet 8/22/2014, 6:27 pm

I just finished my bottle of Bullseye and moving to TiteGroup and want to know if there is any recommendations for the change in case fill.

I removed all remaining TiteGroup from the hopper and system. So the reloader is starting fresh. (Hornady L-n=L AP)
I was loading 3.8 grains for my 45 with CCI primers and 200g LSW.
From what I see I'm the charts I have found, 3.8 on Tite, is about the same as 3.8 on Bullseye.
I'm thinking to just weigh out the Bullseye to the 3.8 and shoot a few. I'm guessing there will be a volume difference so i expect to make a change to the power fill plunger. 

Just posting to see if there are any thoughts.


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reloading 45 and changing powder Empty Re: reloading 45 and changing powder

Post by DavidR 8/23/2014, 10:38 am

usually takes a little more tightgroup to equal bulseye, if 3.8 was your be load, try a few at 4.0 with tightgroup

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Age : 70
Location : NRA:Expert, Georgia

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