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Thoughts on a S&W 845?

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Thoughts on a S&W 845? Empty Thoughts on a S&W 845?

Post by beeser Sun Aug 24, 2014 1:24 pm

Any thoughts on the Smith and Wesson Model 845?  I'm thinking this will be one of my next 2 gun purchases.  There is or was one on GB for about $1500 but I've seen a few others for less in the past.  What's a reasonable price for one of these?  Anyone have one that they could comment about?


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Thoughts on a S&W 845? Empty Re: Thoughts on a S&W 845?

Post by Jon Eulette Sun Aug 24, 2014 8:34 pm

If you are buying a pistol to shoot BE with, A Custom Shop Pistol isn't even good enough to compete with. The custom shops do not have gunsmiths that are capable of building a BE pistol. Don't waste your money. Get one that is built by someone who specializes in BE pistol. The S&W 845 isn't  a BE worthy pistol.  Now if you just have to have it by all means by it, but don't expect it to be anything but mediocre. 
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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