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Walther GSP or not to Walther GSP

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Walther GSP or not to Walther GSP Empty Walther GSP or not to Walther GSP

Post by knightimac 8/27/2014, 2:12 pm


I have a chance to buy a Walther GSP with an ultradot on board for $1000.

I have a couple of questions for those in the know.

  • How is the 50 yard accuracy of these guns?
  • Will shooting this gun with the ergo grips hurt my progress with the 45?
  • What ammo shoots best in these?  (current owner swears by CCI which I have in my stock)

I currently shoot a Ruger MkIII bone stock.

I shot the GSP at league shot a couple of weeks ago and added about 5 points per score at the short line in two NMCs.  Long line was the same except threw some high but had more tens.

Your input is appreciated!


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Walther GSP or not to Walther GSP Empty Re: Walther GSP or not to Walther GSP

Post by 6M Firearms 8/27/2014, 4:52 pm

I currently shoot a GSP, I don't think I would trade it for any other .22.  Great accuracy at 50yds and mine eats everything I feed it and I have never had any sort of malfunction. As far as the grips, your .22 is a totally different gun then the .45, don't try to duplctate it IMO. 

Hope this helps!!

6M Firearms

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Join date : 2013-05-12

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Walther GSP or not to Walther GSP Empty The walther is a good gun! and that is a good price too

Post by CrankyThunder 8/27/2014, 5:48 pm

I recently purchased a new pardini. Before I acquired the pardini, I shot walthers, fwb's, hammerli's, and benelli's to compare. I am fortunate to be on a team that has a number of shooters that are very generous. Previously I owned a IZH 35m.

While I selected the pardini because of the springed counterweights, the walther was in my opinion a very very good weapon and to be honest, I do not think I could have made a bad choice. Walthers are awesome weapons.

You do not have to worry about the accuracy of the walther.


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