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Colorado Team Photos

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Colorado Team Photos Empty Colorado Team Photos

Post by Slo cat 8/3/2011, 4:49 pm

I just thought I would share a couple of photos of our Colorado Shooting Team, 2011.

Colorado Team Photos Campperry2011veneparts0p

This second photo was taken off the range, in front of our huts. We were concerned that we all might be disqualified if we hauled out our pistols on the range!

Colorado Team Photos Campperry2011resized049

BTW, we won first place team aggregate, State Association, Expert. For shooting members, we had two masters, one expert and one sharpshooter.

Best Regards,
Slo cat
Slo cat
Slo cat

Posts : 38
Join date : 2011-06-10
Location : Conifer, CO

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