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Barrel Tester

Jon Eulette
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Barrel Tester Empty Barrel Tester

Post by DeweyHales 9/1/2014, 7:21 pm

Has anyone here ever made one?

Can they be purchased anywhere besides Sams Custom?

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Barrel Tester Empty Re: Barrel Tester

Post by STEVE SAMELAK 9/1/2014, 7:43 pm

Do they become a firearm when assembled for use in the eyes of the ATF?

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Barrel Tester Empty Re: Barrel Tester

Post by DeweyHales 9/1/2014, 7:48 pm

I'm sure they do. As long as it isn't for sale and it's serialized, this is not a problem.

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Barrel Tester Empty Re: Barrel Tester

Post by GrumpyOldMan 9/2/2014, 10:00 am

Does ANYONE on this forum have one? Yet?

I don't want to be the first on the block, so to speak.

But having read with rapt fascination a rather extensive run of .45 ACP barrel testing from a test fixture years ago as published in The American Handgunner, I would gladly pay a few sheckels to have someone test two of my barrels.

I just really don't want to spend the time right now to build my own, even though it should be fairly stupid-simple.


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Barrel Tester Empty Re: Barrel Tester

Post by Jon Eulette 9/2/2014, 12:00 pm

Forgive me if I get his name wrong, but Richard Daniels I believe from Massachusetts has a barrel tester and performs testing for the public.
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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Barrel Tester Empty Barrel Tester

Post by HUGHT 9/2/2014, 1:32 pm

You may contact Rich Daniels on the Star Reloaders Forum he goes by barrel tester


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Barrel Tester Empty Re: Barrel Tester

Post by DeweyHales 9/2/2014, 6:50 pm

Rich is out of the game until he moves. Any other ideas?

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Barrel Tester Empty Re: Barrel Tester

Post by Jerry Keefer 9/2/2014, 7:10 pm

DeweyHales wrote:Has anyone here ever made one?

Can they be purchased anywhere besides Sams Custom?

Dave still has the testers listed on his website...
Jerry Keefer
Jerry Keefer

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Barrel Tester Empty Re: Barrel Tester

Post by DeweyHales 9/2/2014, 9:56 pm

Jerry Keefer wrote:
DeweyHales wrote:Has anyone here ever made one?

Can they be purchased anywhere besides Sams Custom?

Dave still has the testers listed on his website...
True. I could potentially go that route, but there have to be more options than just that one. 

I know at one time, people were using former rifle actions. To avoid those issues, one could start with an action that's never been a rifle first.

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Barrel Tester Empty Re: Barrel Tester

Post by GrumpyOldMan 9/2/2014, 10:16 pm

Ah, the old pistols is more eeevil than rifles myth.

Gun's a gun. A vote's a vote. If we trust you with one we should trust you with the other. Size doesn't matter. What she said doesn't apply to this.

At what point is a rifle action no longer a rifle action? I might buy a de-mill of some sort some day.


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Barrel Tester Empty Re: Barrel Tester

Post by Kermit Workman 9/11/2014, 2:16 pm

The BATF would probably say any popular military action was first a rifle. I think you could apply for a short barrel rifle permit as a NFA item. That is very common today and I understand the wait time is long plus the expense.

Kermit Workman

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Barrel Tester Empty Re: Barrel Tester

Post by GrumpyOldMan 9/11/2014, 3:19 pm

Destroyed = no longer an action.

Not worth the scrutiny. Who knows what the NSA is logging about this subject? Especially since the Ditherer-in-Chief says he will chase down & destroy ISIS/ISIL/IS everywhere in the world except inside the US. Rather look at the gunnies who love freedom.

Or just buy one.


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Barrel Tester Empty Re: Barrel Tester

Post by Jerry Keefer 9/11/2014, 6:06 pm

GrumpyOldMan wrote:Does ANYONE on this forum have one? Yet?
I just really don't want to spend the time right now to build my own, even though it should be fairly stupid-simple.
I have had several.. Some were military innovations.
The one I have now is the best I have ever had, and it is a direct copy of the one Richard Daniels designed. It's heavy and is precisely machined. Has adjustable head space, and is capable of standard or ramped 1911 barrels. The machining is not rocket science, but it's not beginner level either.  The price these sell for is an indicator of the machining precision required..
Jerry Keefer
Jerry Keefer

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Barrel Tester Empty Re: Barrel Tester

Post by robert84010 9/11/2014, 6:30 pm

Jon Eulette wrote:Forgive me if I get his name wrong, but Richard Daniels I believe from Massachusetts has a barrel tester and performs testing for the public.
didn't Bob Brown have one?? I remember him talking about one done by Mike Curtis. I am almost positive he had one when he built my wadcutter gun around around 2002. Hell of a guy to hang out and talk pistols with, he is missed.


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Barrel Tester Empty Re: Barrel Tester

Post by Jon Eulette 9/11/2014, 7:36 pm

To my knowledge Bob never had one, but a very close friend of ours had one made ( we were both trained by Bob).  He would've had it tested by our mutual friend. 
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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