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Rake angle

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Rake angle Empty Rake angle

Post by 285wannab Sat Sep 13, 2014 10:22 am

I have a question on the angle or rake of a grip.  What is the purpose of the extreme angle on some guns?  What does that do for shootablity as opposed to the 1911 grip angle.


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Rake angle Empty Re: Rake angle

Post by Jack H Sat Sep 13, 2014 10:42 am

My theory is the Euro type rake helps set the wrist and enhances the grip with the lower fingers.
Jack H
Jack H

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Rake angle Empty Re: Rake angle

Post by Ghillieman Sat Sep 13, 2014 11:29 am

I'm not sure exactly, but I do know that my Pardini GT-45 has less felt recoil with the same loads as compared to my 1911.

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Rake angle Empty Re: Rake angle

Post by desben Sun Sep 14, 2014 5:54 am

It lowers the muzzle relative to your arm, thus reducing muzzle flip. In extreme cases, like a Pardini 22, recoil is felt straight back, not up; the muzzle barely jumps. A great advantage for sustained fire.

Second, it helps to lock your wrist. Again, considering the extreme case of a Pardini 22, your wrist is bent down as far as it will go, locking it there. The sights are then staying better aligned in the wobble.

Note that the angle has to decrease with caliber/recoil. The extreme angle of a Pardini 22 would yield injuries with a .45.

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