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Front Sight Hop

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Front Sight Hop Empty Front Sight Hop

Post by pfeathers 9/24/2014, 11:39 am

I am looking for some advice.  I have read quite a lot on bullseye shooting; Art of pistol shooting, Pistol Marksmanship, articles on Bulllseye Encyclopedia etc.  I have tried to implement those techniques into my training.  During my dry fire training, about half the shots I get a Front Sight Hop.  When I dry fire,  and my alignment looks good,  and I progress with my squeeze, as soon as the hammer falls, my front sight jumps to the right.  Just enough so that the  even spacing on the right side of the front sight is gone.  I have tried all kinds of techniques; tight grip, loose grip, trigger finger placement, hold- more web less web, loose thumb, loose pinky.   I just can't seem to find one hold that works consistently.  I can fire once and it is solid, no hop.  Then without changing my grip the next shot will jump.  My pistols are SA Range Officer and S&W 41.  

Is this just one of those things that just takes a long time to master and consistency will only be attained after many hours of dry firing at a blank wall?  Or, is there a hidden secret to the front sight hop?


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Front Sight Hop Empty Re: Front Sight Hop

Post by Larry Lang 9/24/2014, 12:14 pm

Try not to anticipate the trigger break. Keep an even, gradual tightening trigger press and WAIT for it to break. Keep dry firing.
Larry Lang
Larry Lang

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Front Sight Hop Empty Re: Front Sight Hop

Post by Jack H 9/24/2014, 12:29 pm

Volume of pistol grip and your hand might be a factor.  Length of pull vs finger length.
Jack H
Jack H

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Front Sight Hop Empty Re: Front Sight Hop

Post by LenV 9/24/2014, 12:52 pm

Jack H probably nailed it. What he is saying is that you might be reaching too far to the trigger.If you are then you are pulling to the right as much as you are pulling straight back.

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Front Sight Hop Empty Re: Front Sight Hop

Post by john bickar 9/24/2014, 10:06 pm

pfeathers wrote:I can fire once and it is solid
Empty your mind, and focus on what it takes to do this.
john bickar
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Front Sight Hop Empty Re: Front Sight Hop

Post by Jack H 9/24/2014, 10:40 pm

JB is correct.  Empty your mind especially of things like " tight grip, loose grip, trigger finger placement, hold- more web less web, loose thumb, loose pinky".  If you have even a piece of that in your conscious, you will not be totally on the front sight.  If you have to have a conscious thought, put it where it is most meaningful.  Front sight.  Front sight.   Front sight.   Front sight.
Jack H
Jack H

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