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The flier first round from slide lock

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The flier first round from slide lock Empty The flier first round from slide lock

Post by kwixdraw Wed Oct 08, 2014 1:42 am

There have been several comments mentioning the flier first round after lock back. One comment I found interesting was made in a series of posts regarding how many magazines to take for a 1911. Someone commented that most masters only use two magazines to avoid shots going to different POIs because of the different magazines. I suppose the reasoning is that no two magazines are identical enough in every regard to load the chamber with identical attack angle to the ramp, identical release point for the case rim and magazine spring resistance to stripping the round. Anyone care to add other factors or remedies for the issue?

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Join date : 2014-09-04
Location : Scott County TN

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The flier first round from slide lock Empty Re: The flier first round from slide lock

Post by Axehandle Wed Oct 08, 2014 9:51 am

Wish I could shoot well enough to be concerned about such things.   I think that the most significant thing that one could do to minimize the effects of multiple magazines is to start with good slide to frame fit done by a good gunsmith.  After that just match up the magazines that provide 100% functioning and go for it.  FWIW my original shooting coach advocated 1 magazine for the 22 and the 45.   He never said it was because of any issue of shot placement but presented it as reliability thing.  Of course he came from the days of no aftermarket magazines.  Colt and GI mags were pretty much all there was.  Lots of work went into properly shaping the feed lips of GI magazines to feed wadcutter 100%.


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The flier first round from slide lock Empty Re: The flier first round from slide lock

Post by Motorcycle_dan Wed Oct 08, 2014 10:01 am

I'm a master class shooter.  I typically use 4 magazines.  One thing I do is to lower the slide first before inserting the magazine.  I dry fire one shot then cycle the slide to chamber the first round.  That way every round gets the rub from the underside of the slide.  Does it matter?  Probably not but makes me feel better. 
I think the grip strength of the shooter also matters as the magazine runs empty.  Less weight in the firearm is going to cause increased felt recoil.

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The flier first round from slide lock Empty Re: The flier first round from slide lock

Post by kwixdraw Wed Oct 08, 2014 11:43 am

Dan, Do you also take the precaution of loading six after firing four out of five rounds in the first magazine so you don't have as many rounds fired after lock back? This would also satisfy your rub the slide criteria. Obviously we are talking slow fire here.
I understand this is probably splitting hairs but I'm always fascinated by the things a 1911 does and what makes them tick.

Posts : 221
Join date : 2014-09-04
Location : Scott County TN

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