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Proactive sight adjustment

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Proactive sight adjustment Empty Proactive sight adjustment

Post by Otiso 10/26/2014, 12:11 pm

Do any of you make a sight adjustment before your first shot based on lighting conditions? With only 30 shots for EIC matches, it seems being able to do this would be a valuable skill.

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Join date : 2014-05-27

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Proactive sight adjustment Empty Re: Proactive sight adjustment

Post by Rob Kovach 10/26/2014, 12:36 pm

Yes.  If the sun is up, sights up.  2-3 clicks up from shooting under a covered firing point to shooting with bright sun overhead.

If the sun is coming in from the side like AM or PM, give a couple of clicks to the direction of the sun.
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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Proactive sight adjustment Empty Re: Proactive sight adjustment

Post by Steve B 10/26/2014, 12:42 pm

I know some guys have found POI changes based on lighting conditions but I've kept the same zero whether covered or out in the open.  I've had a bigger shift in POI due to temperature rather than lighting.

Steve B

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Proactive sight adjustment Empty Re: Proactive sight adjustment

Post by Ed Hall 10/26/2014, 2:13 pm

This is where your shooting journal comes in very handy.  If you've been shooting for a while at many venues and you are keeping good notes, those notes would include what the lighting and sight settings were at all those matches.  Then you can look in your journal and set the sights accordingly.

Now, to actually answer the question for me personally - No.  I do have a "zero" setting for 50 and 25, which I use to start the 50 and 25 stages.  I do not track as described above, but am normally not that far off.

Ed Hall

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