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The color of powder

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The color of powder Empty The color of powder

Post by front sight 11/7/2014, 7:27 pm

I have a pound of Clays that I've had for several years and kept in my safe. I've never loaded anything with it. I was going to see about working up a load with it and noticed that it had a gray color. I also have a pound of N310 that has a distinct yellow color. Are either of these any good? I'm less worried about the N310 since I have some that I know is good so I can make a comparison between the two, but since I've never loaded the Clays, I'm hoping somebody can give me some guidance.


front sight

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The color of powder Empty Re: The color of powder

Post by LenV 11/7/2014, 7:31 pm

Sounds like it matches the color on the Clays I use. Don't know a thing about the N310.


I will post picture later.

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The color of powder Empty Re: The color of powder

Post by james r chapman 11/7/2014, 8:23 pm

Sounds fine. use it for 9mm and 45 acp loads. oh, some 12 ga. 1150 fps 1 1/8 target loads too!!
james r chapman
james r chapman

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The color of powder Empty Re: The color of powder

Post by front sight 11/7/2014, 8:31 pm

Thanks guys! That's a relief! I'll be working on a bullseye load with it soon!

front sight

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The color of powder Empty Re: The color of powder

Post by 243winxb 11/7/2014, 8:56 pm

Powder info with photos. Some will have more than one listing. Different vintage.  http://www.ilrc.ucf.edu/powders/sample_detail.php?powder_id=449

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The color of powder Empty Re: The color of powder

Post by front sight 11/7/2014, 9:05 pm

Thanks 234winxb! That's an interesting site! Actually my Clays is more gray than the picture shows (but much lighter than any powder I use (Bullseye, N3130, 748, IMR4895, etc.) but it does have some flakes that are closer to the yellow color in the photo.

My mind is even more at rest! Many thanks!

front sight

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Join date : 2013-06-01

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The color of powder Empty Re: The color of powder

Post by noylj 11/12/2014, 12:20 am

DON'T store powder in a safe. Fire could turn the safe into a bomb.
Powder is to be stored in a container that will not hold pressure—usually a wooden box as specified in the (whatever the Federal Fire Agency calls itself) regulations.


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