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Range Officer in 9mm

james r chapman
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Range Officer in 9mm Empty Range Officer in 9mm

Post by Vociferous 11/12/2014, 3:44 pm

Saw on the gun shows that SA is offering the Range Officer in 9mm.  Same dimensions as 45 1911.  Can it be accruized for Bullseye?

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Range Officer in 9mm Empty Re: Range Officer in 9mm

Post by james r chapman 11/12/2014, 4:05 pm

james r chapman
james r chapman

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Range Officer in 9mm Empty Re: Range Officer in 9mm

Post by DeweyHales 11/13/2014, 9:59 am


Eric and I have a 9mm CF gun. They're fun, but it means another mouth to feed (caliber to reload).  I use my M9 loads in it.

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Range Officer in 9mm Empty Re: Range Officer in 9mm

Post by DavidR 11/13/2014, 10:29 am

Much more to getting a 9mm to be bullseye accurate, big waste of time and money imo if your goal is to advance in points. If you just want to shoot different gun in cf, a better choice would be a 1911 in 38 special or a accurized 32 benelli mp90.You will advance in points and classification faster shooting the 45 for cf and 45.

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Range Officer in 9mm Empty Re: Range Officer in 9mm

Post by Jon Eulette 11/13/2014, 10:38 am

I've been building PPC 9mm pistols for a top level police competitor. The recoil is substantial even from longslide 9mm pistol. My .45 wad pistols recoil less than the 9mm does. The 9mm requires much higher velocity to shoot well. We are getting 1" groups, but when we down load to try and get less recoil with marginal (2" at 50) accuracy, it all goes to hell quite fast. Something to remember is that a 2700 is an endurance match! Shooting 20 rounds of hot 9mm may be no big deal, but 90 shots is another story. You will not see a high master shooting one in a big match.

I've built a lot of .38 Super race guns over the years, but never for BE. KC Crawford has experience there! You might consider .38 Super instead.
Jon Eulette
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Range Officer in 9mm Empty Re: Range Officer in 9mm

Post by Vociferous 11/13/2014, 4:40 pm

Jon, thanks for the low down on the 9mm.  Think I'll pass on building one up.  I think I just wanted to buy that RO, and wanted a good excuse to do so. 

Dewey, the AW93 is sweet.  The trigger is excellent.

Last edited by Vociferous on 11/13/2014, 4:42 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : grammer)

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Range Officer in 9mm Empty Re: Range Officer in 9mm

Post by Jerry Keefer 11/13/2014, 5:26 pm

Jon Eulette wrote: Something to remember is that a 2700 is an endurance match!

Smile Yep...!!
Jerry Keefer
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Range Officer in 9mm Empty Re: Range Officer in 9mm

Post by Bullshooter 11/14/2014, 7:13 am


Since I had such good experience with the .45 Range Officers (with a Kart bushing, only one wouldn't do 2.5" @ 50 yds Ransom rest), I wanted to see what the 9mm would do. The 9mm RO I bought had very good slide to frame and barrel lockup fit. I fitted a Kart bushing to it and Ransom rested it with some known great loads using the Hornady XTPs in bullet weights from 115 to 147 grains and 115 grain Sierra RN hardball bullets, over the now impossible to get VV-N330 powder. I thought with the 1:16 twist that the 147s would be good, but suprisingly the hardball load did the best at around 3". That was the most I could squeeze out of the stock barrel. I do want to do some more testing with the 124 grain XTP and WSF powder. I like the gun and replaced the MIM parts and ILS mainspring housing with quality components and like shooting the gun, but IMHO, with the stock barrel, it ain't a Bullseye gun.

Walt Jackson
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Range Officer in 9mm Empty Re: Range Officer in 9mm

Post by DavidR 11/14/2014, 9:38 am

Its like many things, it can be what you want if you throw enough money into it, I scored james Henderson in cf with his 1911 9mm and he shot a 884, that said his gun was built by the amu and he shot special amu Atlanta arms 115 xtp hollow points. Even as good as that was he shot better with his 45. This would not be the norm for 99% of shooters being he is one of the most talented shooters in the game, as a side note his 9mm looked to have more recoil than his 45.

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