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What is the difference between the Hammerli 280 and the 280s

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What is the difference between the Hammerli 280 and the 280s Empty What is the difference between the Hammerli 280 and the 280s

Post by dhenry132 11/20/2014, 5:09 pm

What is the difference between the Hammerli 280 and the 280s ?

Looking at the 32 S&W long. I'm changing my order of things up a bit.
I currently shoot a S&W 41, S&W 52-2, and 1911 in 45acp.
After surgeries in my hands and other parts and arthritis, I finding to 45 acp to be torture. The 38 is not to far behind.
My thinking was go to 32 S&W Long with the lower recoil and if it all works out in the wash get a 22 LR top end for it.
I shoot to be as good as I can be, days of high the end arena are in the rear view mirror but I have more fun now than ever.

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Location : Republic of Texas

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What is the difference between the Hammerli 280 and the 280s Empty Re: What is the difference between the Hammerli 280 and the 280s

Post by dronning 11/20/2014, 6:58 pm

This doesn't answer your question but I'd take a look at the Pardini in 32acp with the 22lr conversion.

208 verses 208s the "s" has a more adjustable trigger both for position/length and it's 1st and 2nd stage weights. the "s" also has a squared trigger guard verses the 208 round guard

- Dave

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What is the difference between the Hammerli 280 and the 280s Empty Re: What is the difference between the Hammerli 280 and the 280s

Post by scrum derringer 11/20/2014, 7:08 pm

280 is carbon fiber, 208s is steel and does not have a .32 conversion that I am aware like the 280.
scrum derringer
scrum derringer

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What is the difference between the Hammerli 280 and the 280s Empty Re: What is the difference between the Hammerli 280 and the 280s

Post by dhenry132 11/21/2014, 9:44 am

Thanks for the answers. I'll look into the Pardini

Posts : 77
Join date : 2014-02-09
Location : Republic of Texas

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What is the difference between the Hammerli 280 and the 280s Empty Re: What is the difference between the Hammerli 280 and the 280s

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