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Pain in sending guns to a gunsmith!!!???

Jerry Keefer
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Pain in sending guns to a gunsmith!!!??? Empty Pain in sending guns to a gunsmith!!!???

Post by beeser 12/5/2014, 4:50 pm

I've been putting off sending a few guns to gunsmiths because of the hassle involved in shipping.  Some gunsmiths only want to receive guns through UPS but the only way that I understand that it's possible is through an FFL, which adds costs.  Using the Postal Service is a complete no no from what I understand.  And the closest FedEx location for me that accepts guns is 60 miles away.  Am I missing something?  Is this why many of you attempt your own trigger jobs, etc?  I've sent back a few guns to S&W and SA and they make the process very easy and even have FedEx do the pickup.

Along a similar line, I mentioned to someone this morning that I just received a couple of orders for primers and was surprised that I didn't pay hazmat fees.  Apparently the seller declared the shipment as ammunition, which apparently doesn't require a hazmat fee.  The logic in that escapes me.  Can any of this come back on me?


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Pain in sending guns to a gunsmith!!!??? Empty Re: Pain in sending guns to a gunsmith!!!???

Post by Otiso 12/5/2014, 5:07 pm

I've never heard anyone say that you needed to go through an ffl to ship a gun.

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Pain in sending guns to a gunsmith!!!??? Empty Re: Pain in sending guns to a gunsmith!!!???

Post by bmac 12/5/2014, 5:23 pm



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Pain in sending guns to a gunsmith!!!??? Empty Re: Pain in sending guns to a gunsmith!!!???

Post by beeser 12/5/2014, 6:24 pm

After doing a little more reading it seems that my earlier statements are not entirely correct.  An unlicensed person can send a handgun to someone licensed (gunsmith) through UPS but it has to be Next Day Air and transacted through a Customer Service Center or pickup service.  You can't use a UPS Store or other UPS retail service.  Handgun transfers between FFLs can take place using the Postal Service, which is apparently cheaper.


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Pain in sending guns to a gunsmith!!!??? Empty Re: Pain in sending guns to a gunsmith!!!???

Post by Jerry Keefer 12/5/2014, 7:42 pm

beeser wrote:After doing a little more reading it seems that my earlier statements are not entirely correct.  An unlicensed person can send a handgun to someone licensed (gunsmith) through UPS but it has to be Next Day Air and transacted through a Customer Service Center or pickup service.  You can't use a UPS Store or other UPS retail service.  Handgun transfers between FFLs can take place using the Postal Service, which is apparently cheaper.
I ship and receive a fair number of firearms.. I strive to do everything thru USPS.. I loathe going thru Fed Ex or UPS.. I refuse to subject myself to their ridiculous criminal like interrogation(s)..Oh, and their Customer Service Centers, are so accommodating.. No .  I have yet to be hassled by a USPS Post Master..Many small post offices are unfamiliar with the USPS Form 1508 which must be filed as part of the transaction..Down load it from their site,  and pay an FFL to ship it to the manufacturer and or dealer/gunsmith..It will still be cheaper than either of the above, it's patriotic, (support the USPS)  and you won't be stressed..Smile
Jerry Keefer
Jerry Keefer

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Pain in sending guns to a gunsmith!!!??? Empty Re: Pain in sending guns to a gunsmith!!!???

Post by beeser 12/5/2014, 9:10 pm

Thanks Jerry, that's exactly what I needed to hear.


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Pain in sending guns to a gunsmith!!!??? Empty Re: Pain in sending guns to a gunsmith!!!???

Post by james r chapman 12/5/2014, 9:18 pm

I once shipped 4 long guns  from N.M to myself in Mich by USPS.

The post master called me and asked if I really wanted them shipped to the shipping address in  N.M. I sheepishly said no, Michigan and he just laughed and said He figured so and made the corrections.

I agree with Jerry..
james r chapman
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Pain in sending guns to a gunsmith!!!??? Empty Re: Pain in sending guns to a gunsmith!!!???

Post by DavidR 12/6/2014, 10:28 am

if you have a FFL then you can ship handguns by usps, if not its illegal. So if risking a huge fine or loss of the firearm is worth it continue on. Worst case, your package gets stolen, your gun ends up in a criminals hands who commits a violent crime and you are liable and get arrested, sued or both.

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Pain in sending guns to a gunsmith!!!??? Empty Re: Pain in sending guns to a gunsmith!!!???

Post by beeser 12/6/2014, 12:46 pm

DavidR wrote:if you have a FFL then you can ship handguns by usps, if not its illegal. So if risking a huge fine or loss of the firearm is worth it continue on. Worst case, your package gets stolen, your gun ends up in a criminals hands who commits a violent crime and you are liable and get arrested, sued or both.
I don't think anyone is suggesting sending a gun illegally, at least from what I've read here.  Nonetheless, it is worth mentioning that it would be huge mistake doing it.


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Pain in sending guns to a gunsmith!!!??? Empty Re: Pain in sending guns to a gunsmith!!!???

Post by BE Mike 12/7/2014, 7:42 am

It certainly is less expensive to have your local dealer ship a handgun to another FFL using the USPS. My dealer is willing to do that for me.
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Pain in sending guns to a gunsmith!!!??? Empty Re: Pain in sending guns to a gunsmith!!!???

Post by beeser 12/7/2014, 11:00 am

To extend concerns expressed by DavidR, sending a gun through an FFL also provides a verifiable paper trail.  Otherwise it's only your word that the package sent yourself through UPS or FedEx is actually a gun and more importantly the specific gun being sent.


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Pain in sending guns to a gunsmith!!!??? Empty Re: Pain in sending guns to a gunsmith!!!???

Post by Motorcycle_dan 12/7/2014, 8:39 pm

I use a Local Gun shop to ship via USPS.  I pack it up, make a data sheet with the firearm in question info, caliber, description.  From contact data and to contact data.  I shop at his place of business regularly and happy to have him receive it back when the gunsmith is ready to ship it back.  I'm not home when the packages show up and happy to give him a bit to cover expenses.

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