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Ruger MKX for Bullseye?

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Ruger MKX for Bullseye? Empty Ruger MKX for Bullseye?

Post by orpheoet 12/6/2014, 10:39 pm

Does anybody use the 10 inch barrel MK? I saw one for sale at the local store for $200 and it seemed too good to pass up. I haven't even tried it on a bullseye target, but rested it puts 10 shots into an inch group. I think it might be a bit heavy for me but I'm curious to hear if others have used long barrels...

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Ruger MKX for Bullseye? Empty Re: Ruger MKX for Bullseye?

Post by dronning 12/6/2014, 11:26 pm

IMHO too front heavy, wobble will be amplified. 

If you are shooting irons
3.4  .....

Open sights may be adjustable but not over 10 inches apart measured from the apex of the rear sight to the apex of the front sight.

- Dave

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