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Dillon XL-650 X-Small Powder Bar?

Steve B
Rob Kovach
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Dillon XL-650 X-Small Powder Bar? Empty Dillon XL-650 X-Small Powder Bar?

Post by beeser 12/18/2014, 12:26 pm

The Dillon XL-650 manual recommends using an extra small powder bar when dumping sub-3 grain loads.  I'm using 2.8 grains of WST for .38 Special wadcutters.  Is the extra small powder bar really necessary or is it close enough to 3 grains that a standard small bar is good enough?


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Dillon XL-650 X-Small Powder Bar? Empty Re: Dillon XL-650 X-Small Powder Bar?

Post by Rob Kovach 12/18/2014, 12:29 pm

I dump 2.5 with my small bar and it seems accurate.
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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Dillon XL-650 X-Small Powder Bar? Empty Re: Dillon XL-650 X-Small Powder Bar?

Post by Steve B 12/18/2014, 12:34 pm

Weigh several charges and see how consistently it throws them.  If they vary greatly then I'd question the powder bar you're using.  If not, go for it.

As a side note...  I typically will throw 10 charges onto my scale then divide the total by 10 for an average to see how close I really am.  Generally finding that weighing just 1 charge isn't as accurate as weighing 10 and averaging.  If you were to throw 10 charges the total should be 28.0 grains.  Good way to check the accuracy of your scale while weighing low charge weights.  Play with it and you might be surprised what you find.

Steve B

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Dillon XL-650 X-Small Powder Bar? Empty Re: Dillon XL-650 X-Small Powder Bar?

Post by Jack H 12/18/2014, 1:12 pm

I zero my scale at 0, and 5 grains with the RCBS wire standard.  That's both ends of the range within I will be weighing.  Sometimes I will weigh out 5 or 10 throws but that seems to me a test of the scale's ability of different ranges.  But I am concerned of only between 0 and 5 gr.  If the 0-5 range weighs my 3.8grains the same 3 or so times in a row I am good to go.

Lyman M5 scale BTW.  I have 2 and they always agree.
Jack H
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Dillon XL-650 X-Small Powder Bar? Empty Re: Dillon XL-650 X-Small Powder Bar?

Post by Bubba Blaster 12/18/2014, 1:13 pm

Save your $ you don't need it unless you're trying to throw charges less than 2 grains with small sized powder like WST or Bullseye.

Bubba Blaster

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Dillon XL-650 X-Small Powder Bar? Empty Re: Dillon XL-650 X-Small Powder Bar?

Post by DavidR 12/18/2014, 4:22 pm

These are super precise for very small throws.


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Dillon XL-650 X-Small Powder Bar? Empty Re: Dillon XL-650 X-Small Powder Bar?

Post by Magnusbullets 12/19/2014, 4:50 pm

I have the uniquetek. Works great with my 1050. Have the arrodondo also.
Recommend both


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Dillon XL-650 X-Small Powder Bar? Empty Re: Dillon XL-650 X-Small Powder Bar?

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