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New EIC ammo for rules change

james r chapman
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New EIC ammo for rules change - Page 5 Empty New EIC ammo for rules change

Post by Jkvandal 12/30/2014, 6:18 pm

First topic message reminder :

So it seems that the ammo has been opened up for the 1911 for EIC competition to any weight metal jacketed bullets...unfortunately this doesn't quite fall into my plans of casting my bullets for the upcoming season.

What options are out there for jacketed ammo that will be a step up for accuracy and recoil from the 230gr for the .45? I'd assume it would be some sort of hollow point bullet between 185-200gr?


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New EIC ammo for rules change - Page 5 Empty Re: New EIC ammo for rules change

Post by tierney 3/1/2015, 3:51 am

You refer to HM's who may or may not be competitive with iron sights.  HM is an NRA classification and is a measure of skill in NRA precision pistol.  I propose that a better yardstick would be to look at the CMP list of the top 100 competitors for 2014.  These shooters all shot iron sights in various EIC and National Trophy matches.  Using that list and guesstimating the cutoff of around 30 shooters, puts a target cutoff score of approximately 279 with hardball, which is realistic as there will be no distinguished shooters being separated out, at least initially.  Everything hangs on who does what at 50 yards.  One can reliably predict who will win any match by the 50 yard performance, being as any strong shooter will clean the short line.  Camp Perry requires that you have to be a good wind shooter.  Remember at Perry last year an expert won the 22 agg. due to the strong wind during the 1st relay so an upset is certainly not out of the question.


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New EIC ammo for rules change - Page 5 Empty Re: New EIC ammo for rules change

Post by LenV 3/1/2015, 5:28 am

Has anyone done the math? There seems to be a lot of discussion here about Camp Perry but there are 5 other matches you may shoot in this year and the following years. If everyone shoots as many matches as he/she is allowed there will be a very large number of single year distinguished shooters. I mean very large. I keep playing with the numbers and I figure there will be in excess of 1000 shooters in the first year going distinguished. Since no one has points now it will take 3 matches to start seeing shooters going out. But, after the first 3 you will see a steady stream of them. There will reach a point where it will be hard to get enough shooters on the line to get a hard leg. My crystal ball says that time will come shortly after Perry in 2016. Don't worry about HM or M they ( If they are not old and blind like me) will be long gone out of the equation. I predict 1500 distinguished shooters by years end 2016 and it will take 10 more years to see another 1500. I hope I am still kicking around to see if I am right.


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New EIC ammo for rules change - Page 5 Empty Re: New EIC ammo for rules change

Post by LenV 3/1/2015, 5:53 am

  You made me look. I checked out the top 100 (to see if I was there of course) but it is really like the top 60 or maybe 50. The same shooters are listed multiple times so it is hard to tell without eliminating 1 at a time how many names are on the list. But good idea.


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New EIC ammo for rules change - Page 5 Empty Re: New EIC ammo for rules change

Post by Froneck 3/2/2015, 5:13 pm

Weather can be a big factor at Perry, especially in the NRA match. Quite a bit of time difference between relays. Each group shoot a different relay each day so everyone shoots all three relays and with a few exceptions score and be scored by the same shooters for all 3 relays.  M and HM shooters will all be on the same relay, Experts can be on 2 different relays. Usually it's not fair to the Experts. During Center fire Some experts will be on 1st relay and others on 3rd relay. One relay can get really bad weather and the other great. As it is said of Camp Perry, "Don't like the weather? Wait 10 minutes!" Usually 1st relay is best and 3rd gets a little windy. But that can change. However during Ball there's no classification so it's mixed and being only 30 or 40 rounds are fired the time difference is not that much but I shot there when it was different, I was dry, next relay took a shower while shooting! Generally for ball everyone has about the same conditions. If it's your first match at Perry expect any kind of weather. I think the most listened too radio station at Camp Perry is the Weather Channel.


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Join date : 2014-04-05
Age : 77

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