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Tools for gun work?

Jerry Keefer
Jack H
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Tools for gun work? Empty Tools for gun work?

Post by beeser 1/1/2015, 8:41 pm

In order to make my reloading room more functional and useful I thought it might be a good idea to stock it with some tools specific to gun maintenance.  Any suggestions on types, brands, etc?  When it comes to tools I generally don't quibble about cost and appreciate quality.  No offense to anyone but stuff made in China is a real turn off to me.  I suspect a good screwdriver set specific for use on guns should be first on the list.


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Tools for gun work? Empty Re: Tools for gun work?

Post by rob5r 1/1/2015, 8:46 pm

Look at the Brownells website.  Their screwdrivers work great.

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Tools for gun work? Empty Re: Tools for gun work?

Post by JayhawkNavy02 1/1/2015, 9:01 pm

I'm no gunsmith, but I do like having a set of punches for disassembly/assembly duties.  Both steel and brass.  I picked up my steel roll and pin punches at Sears and they seem decent enough for my limited use.



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Tools for gun work? Empty Re: Tools for gun work?

Post by DavidR 1/2/2015, 11:19 am

brownells sells a 1911 kit that has everything you need,

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Tools for gun work? Empty Re: Tools for gun work?

Post by Jack H 1/2/2015, 12:47 pm

Go first class and get Snapon electronic screwdrivers.  they fir gun screws perfectly.
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Tools for gun work? Empty Re: Tools for gun work?

Post by Jerry Keefer 1/2/2015, 4:10 pm

In over 50 years, I have tried a lot of different tools. As far as screwdriver sets, I am presently using the Master Wheeler Set, and I like it best, so far.. I have over the years, amassed well into six figures in tooling and machines.. You will never likely have it all..I don't and just ordered some more today..
Jerry Keefer
Jerry Keefer

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Tools for gun work? Empty Re: Tools for gun work?

Post by Guest 1/2/2015, 4:42 pm

Are others having good luck receiving what they order from Brownells?  I have a set of files I ordered in early July that are STILL on back order.


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Tools for gun work? Empty Re: Tools for gun work?

Post by beeser 1/2/2015, 5:11 pm

Jerry Keefer wrote:In over 50 years, I have tried a lot of different tools. As far as screwdriver sets, I am presently using the Master Wheeler Set, and I like it best, so far.. I have over the years, amassed well into six figures in tooling and machines.. You will never likely have it all..I don't and just ordered some more today..
Agreed on never having enough tools but based on what I've seen (pics) of Jerry's shop and his quality tools I'm surprised of the "Master Wheeler Set" mention.  I don't have any of Wheeler Engineering tools but it's my impression that the gunsmithing screwdriver sets are made in China.  And I've never seen a quality built tool made in China.

Borrowing from the ideas of DavidR and Jack H I'll probably begin to piece together my own collection of tools based on what is shown in the Brownell kit.  My first purchase will probably be a Snap-on screwdriver set or something equivalent.


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Tools for gun work? Empty Re: Tools for gun work?

Post by Guest 1/2/2015, 5:18 pm

The Master Wheeler set of screw drivers and bits works exceptionally well.


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Tools for gun work? Empty Re: Tools for gun work?

Post by beeser 1/2/2015, 5:50 pm

ChipEck wrote:The Master Wheeler set of screw drivers and bits works exceptionally well.
Are they made in China?


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Tools for gun work? Empty Re: Tools for gun work?

Post by Jerry Keefer 1/2/2015, 6:09 pm

beeser wrote:  I don't have any of Wheeler Engineering tools but it's my impression that the gunsmithing screwdriver sets are made in China.  And I've never seen a quality built tool made in China.
 Well, I am  not sure. Battenfeld Technology is the industry brand.. I can't find a country of origin anywhere on  my set or anywhere thru a brief internet search.. According to the website, the set carries a US Patent..
It's going to be tough to set up a full line shop and avoid all foreign products..
Jerry Keefer
Jerry Keefer

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Tools for gun work? Empty Re: Tools for gun work?

Post by dronning 1/2/2015, 6:18 pm

+1 on Snap-on or Felo (German and I like their ergo handles)
+1 on the Master Wheeler Set, I have it and like Jerry I have a ton of tools I've collected over the years.  With no machines I'm well into 5 figures on just hand tools.

The Master Wheeler set is a great value - it has a ton of bit sizes and having the right size bit for a screw is more important than having the best driver out there that is the wrong size.  Under $70 - it would cost me >$300 to cover those sizes in Felo's.

Oh and fewer and fewer of the Snap-on tools are made in the USA, many don't have the USA mark anymore.

They started to remove the COO (Country Of Origin) from their tools back in 2011.  

- Dave

Last edited by dronning on 1/2/2015, 6:30 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : added info)

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Tools for gun work? Empty Re: Tools for gun work?

Post by C.Perkins 1/2/2015, 6:40 pm

Having been an automotive repair technician for 30+ years can tell you that I have 6 figures invested in tools.
90% of it is Snap-On with some MAC and Matco.
In this day and age yes, Snap-On tools may not be made in the USA and their other line of tools called Blue Point are all imported but still descent equipment with the same warranty.

Having a screwdriver bit set and handle that has bits to perfectly fit the screws goes a long way.
No tapered type screwdrivers which most are.

A set of good punches and punch block are mandatory.


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Tools for gun work? Empty Re: Tools for gun work?

Post by beeser 1/2/2015, 8:09 pm

Specific to screwdrivers, what about the Grace and Brownell's Magna-Tip screwdrivers?  Both state that they're made in the USA.  After doing a little more research it seems that it would be difficult at best to come up with a set of Snap-on drivers specific for gun work.


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Tools for gun work? Empty Re: Tools for gun work?

Post by Jack H 1/2/2015, 9:38 pm

The Magna set is fine.  I have that too.  After a while you will find the bits you use all the time.  Then you can use a old Rx pill bottle to put them in.
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Tools for gun work? Empty Re: Tools for gun work?

Post by C.Perkins 1/3/2015, 12:22 pm

Just make sure whatever you get either individual screwdrivers or a bit set, that they are hollow ground.


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Tools for gun work? Empty Re: Tools for gun work?

Post by 1joel1 1/6/2015, 9:41 am

^^^ Hollow ground. I got a nice set of USA made with wooden handles at Amazon:




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Tools for gun work? Empty Re: Tools for gun work?

Post by jmdavis 1/6/2015, 10:03 am

The Wheeler set is good. But the specific tools depend on what you want to be able to do. 

1. whatever you need for cleaning (gun cradle, rods, chamber brushes, etc)
2. Screwdriver and bit set
3. good holding device such as vise (this could be switched with 4 and 5)
4. steel and brass punches
5. brass and fiber hammer
6. caliper and micrometer (inside, outside and depth guage)
7. files (machine files, swiss files, needle files etc)
8. strap wrenches

As a kid I watched my grandfather (who was no gunsmith but skilled at hand work and math) make various parts from scrap metal for rifles using files, a divider, and a vise (or old mainspring vise attached to a board that he could hold with his knees).

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