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Does anybody keep both eyes open?

dan allen
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Does anybody keep both eyes open? Empty Does anybody keep both eyes open?

Post by orpheoet 1/7/2015, 8:41 am

I read that in other pistol disciplines(action shooting) it can be beneficial to keep both eyes open. When I practice bullseye my left eye usually ends up not being fully closed. I tried shooting with both eyes open and I seem to actually see the dot better. (I just went to a dot a few weeks ago). I've only been shooting Bullseye for about a year so excuse the newbie type questions...Thanks

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Does anybody keep both eyes open? Empty Re: Does anybody keep both eyes open?

Post by DavidR 1/7/2015, 9:06 am

I have friends that do and I use to shoot that way too but your eyes and or your glasses have to be the same , I cant do it anymore just doesn't work but my non dominate eye sight has gotten worse over the past 5 years.

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Does anybody keep both eyes open? Empty Re: Does anybody keep both eyes open?

Post by Virgil Kane 1/7/2015, 9:08 am

Both eyes wide open when shooting either a dot or iron sights. IMO it takes a while to train your brain to keep both eyes open but once you do it's hard to go back to closing one eye. Kind of like getting use to shooting one handed but after a while it feels natural and feels awkward to shoot with both hands.


Virgil Kane

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Does anybody keep both eyes open? Empty Re: Does anybody keep both eyes open?

Post by dronning 1/7/2015, 9:09 am

Both eyes open is the norm.  Closing your non shooting eye does put stress on your shooting eye.  Many put tape or use an eyepiece over the non shooting eye lens.  There are several benefits from keeping the non shooting eye open.

But some people just can't do it.

Search is your friend much detailed discussion on this.

- Dave

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Does anybody keep both eyes open? Empty Re: Does anybody keep both eyes open?

Post by Jack H 1/7/2015, 10:10 am

I have been shooting Precision Pistol one eyed for over 40 years.  Tried both eyes many times.  Can't do it, irons or dot.

Add that I occlude with a sticker or tape over the left eye.  Just big enough to not see the gun.

Last edited by Jack H on 1/7/2015, 11:36 am; edited 2 times in total
Jack H
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Does anybody keep both eyes open? Empty Re: Does anybody keep both eyes open?

Post by Steve B 1/7/2015, 11:28 am

Both eyes open with dots and sights.

Steve B

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Does anybody keep both eyes open? Empty Re: Does anybody keep both eyes open?

Post by jmdavis 1/7/2015, 11:51 am

Both open with weak eye occluded so as not to see the target. Works better for both rifle and pistol.

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Does anybody keep both eyes open? Empty Re: Does anybody keep both eyes open?

Post by paw080 1/7/2015, 11:59 am

orpheoet wrote:I read that in other pistol disciplines(action shooting) it can be beneficial to keep both eyes open. When I practice bullseye my left eye usually ends up not being fully closed. I tried shooting with both eyes open and I seem to actually see the dot better. (I just went to a dot a few weeks ago). I've only been shooting Bullseye for about a year so excuse the newbie type questions...Thanks

I always have, I always will. Please do further research and discover why it is better to shoot

with both eyes open.  Practice with an ocolluder covering your non-dominant eye. Shocked ( not cyclops  )


Last edited by paw080 on 1/7/2015, 12:02 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : sp)


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Does anybody keep both eyes open? Empty Re: Does anybody keep both eyes open?

Post by DavidR 1/7/2015, 1:22 pm

well if you include the occluder use then yes I shoot with both eyes open just the left is covered. Never close one eye, that's not a good thing

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Does anybody keep both eyes open? Empty Re: Does anybody keep both eyes open?

Post by Jack H 1/7/2015, 2:42 pm

For 30 some of those 40+ years I closed my left eye.

Worked just fine.
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Does anybody keep both eyes open? Empty Re: Does anybody keep both eyes open?

Post by dan allen 1/7/2015, 3:03 pm

Both eyes open and a swing down disk clipped to the brim of my hat in front of my left eye.

dan allen

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Does anybody keep both eyes open? Empty Re: Does anybody keep both eyes open?

Post by sklarcpa 1/7/2015, 3:56 pm

Started out with both open and no occluder.   Started using one over the non-dominant eye and have always used it since.

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Does anybody keep both eyes open? Empty Re: Does anybody keep both eyes open?

Post by JayhawkNavy02 1/7/2015, 8:17 pm

I use a blinder, I'm cross dominant and for the last 6 months I've relied on it.  I forgot to wear it yesterday at the league and didn't even know it was missing, my mind had finally accepted left hand with my left eye, but I put it on anyway later just to not have another variable.  I have a tough time without the blinder when shooting rifle more than pistol.

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Does anybody keep both eyes open? Empty Re: Does anybody keep both eyes open?

Post by orpheoet 1/7/2015, 11:37 pm

wow. So I've been going about this wrong! Thanks for setting me straight!

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Does anybody keep both eyes open? Empty Re: Does anybody keep both eyes open?

Post by bobthenailer 1/9/2015, 8:13 am

Funny BE one eye , a carry over from iron sights 
 any other time both eyes open if i remember to do it!


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Does anybody keep both eyes open? Empty Re: Does anybody keep both eyes open?

Post by Colt711 1/20/2015, 10:18 am

Ohio Highway Patrol, a few yrs ago, insisted on both eyes open and did EXTENSIVE training to make it a habit. Their reasoning was both eyes made you more aware of what was happening while using the pistol.

Ron Habegger


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Does anybody keep both eyes open? Empty Re: Does anybody keep both eyes open?

Post by Froneck 2/22/2015, 1:22 pm

I shoot with both eyes open, was told that was the best! Reason is one eye is black and other eye might be in bright sun. Keeps them balanced, also as Ron Said makes you aware of what is happening around you. For those that can't an eye patch in front of the shooting glasses will work too.


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Does anybody keep both eyes open? Empty Re: Does anybody keep both eyes open?

Post by Jack H 2/22/2015, 1:55 pm

I believe my left eye is better.  But I can not find comfort in a gripping change to shoot cross dominant.
Jack H
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Does anybody keep both eyes open? Empty Re: Does anybody keep both eyes open?

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