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New CMP ammo limit rule

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New CMP ammo limit rule Empty New CMP ammo limit rule

Post by DavidR 1/8/2015, 11:47 am

I have a non filled order for the aguila 22 sv ammo of 3 cases I placed a year ago, up till today I have received emails stating that the order would be filled when ammo arrived. Today the email says the head of the cmp  passed a rule effective 1-1-2015  that all ammunition sales will be limited to 2k rounds per person of any one caliber per year. So I guess my order will be reduced to only 4 bricks... I know many others here had orders in too so thought I would pass this on.
effective January 1, 2015, Judith Legerski, CMP Chairman and CEO, instituted identical sales limits on all ammunition sold by the CMP.  All ammunition sales are limited to 2000 rounds per caliber per member/customer per calendar year.

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Join date : 2011-06-10
Age : 70
Location : NRA:Expert, Georgia

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