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CCI sv paper at Midway

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CCI sv paper at Midway Empty CCI sv paper at Midway

Post by Russ OR Sat Jan 10, 2015 2:08 pm

Midway has CCIsv paper box for $39.99 brick - their low shipping costs plus a $10 off $100 or $20 off $200 (code JAN20SAVE)=decent deal. -- .
I think the two brick limit might be off now - no limit?.    - - Russ

To get my earlier order to $200 I tried a brick of Norma Tac 22. Good stuff in my Nygord Pardini. -2¢-YMMV

Russ OR

Posts : 270
Join date : 2011-06-10
Location : Oregon City, OR

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CCI sv paper at Midway Empty Re: CCI sv paper at Midway

Post by Guest Sat Jan 10, 2015 5:47 pm

If you order over two boxes your order drops down to 2....but if you update the quantity in your cart it lets you update to 10.  Maybe more, but I just wanted one case.


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