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Your Favored Grips

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Your Favored Grips Empty Your Favored Grips

Post by beeser 1/21/2015, 6:21 pm

After trying a pair of thin grips by RAASCO I decided to go back to standard width grips.  The thin grips left a gap at the palm that didn't make the gun feel secure.  The RAASCO grips also seemed to chafe the base of my palm a little.  The grips that I currently use and find very comfortable are the Hogue rubber slab type grips.  I'm also trying a similar pair of Hogue grips but with the front contoured for your fingers.  Do these conform to Bullseye rules?  What are your favored 1911 grips?


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Join date : 2014-06-19

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Your Favored Grips Empty Re: Your Favored Grips

Post by dronning 1/21/2015, 6:29 pm

Sharkskin (plastic) - no way will they slip! 

- Dave

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Your Favored Grips Empty Re: Your Favored Grips

Post by beeser 1/21/2015, 6:39 pm

dronning wrote:Sharkskin (plastic) - no way will they slip! 

- Dave
Is the texture sort of abrasive or soft?


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Join date : 2014-06-19

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Your Favored Grips Empty Re: Your Favored Grips

Post by JayhawkNavy02 1/21/2015, 7:34 pm

Abrasive, which is why their called shark skin I think, but not so much as to be a distraction, however, your hands will not slip which is the goal.  I tried VZ and went back immediately.  I am an absolute fan.   I just wish they made a full length for 1911s with mag wells. I am putting them on every 1911 I compete with.  I haven't found a traditional slab side grip with more traction.  Check out Brownell's for the best price.

Last edited by JayhawkNavy02 on 1/21/2015, 8:53 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Your Favored Grips Empty Re: Your Favored Grips

Post by dronning 1/21/2015, 8:51 pm

beeser wrote:
dronning wrote:Sharkskin (plastic) - no way will they slip! 

- Dave
Is the texture sort of abrasive or soft?

Hard plastic and abrasive no flex and no movement like in rubber grips.  Comfort isn't always good. 

- Dave

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Age : 71
Location : Lakeville, MN

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Your Favored Grips Empty Re: Your Favored Grips

Post by Rob Kovach 1/21/2015, 9:18 pm

Hogue "wrap around" finger groove grips are legal for bullseye, but were previously not CMP legal.  I will re-read the new rules and let you know what I find.

I agree with Dave.  I love the Kensight Sharkskin slabs with aggressive checkering on my front strap and mainspring housing.  The gun doesn't move even with the heaviest recoil.
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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