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Low Cost Red Dot

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Low Cost Red Dot Empty Low Cost Red Dot

Post by twidle 1/24/2015, 1:15 pm

Anyone looking for a low cost red dot should take a look at Bering Opticals BE 50002. It has 4 reticules two being 2 and 3 MOA dots. Only down side it's only designed for low recoiling guns. I been shooting one for over a year now on my HS with no problems. They are all over the net for just under $60.00. I picked up another to try  on a .32 GSP I'm picking up next week. I'll let you know how it holds up.


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Join date : 2013-04-26
Age : 69
Location : Bergen County, NJ

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Low Cost Red Dot Empty Re: Low Cost Red Dot

Post by GrumpyOldMan 1/28/2015, 11:43 pm

Hmmm...how's the parallax on that one?

Years ago I totally stopped looking at ANYTHING made by "BSA". Put one of their cheap red dots on the gunshop counter and looked across the street. As I looked at the storefront 100 yards away, moving my head side to side resulted in the dot "moving" at least a foot on the target in one direction, and just less than a foot when I moved in a direction 90 degrees off the other way.

I remain interested in accuracy better than an IPSC A-Zone at 15 yards.


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Join date : 2013-03-08
Location : High Desert Southwest Red Rock Country

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