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shield night sight install

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shield  night  sight install Empty shield night sight install

Post by keyhole 30/1/2015, 12:26

I was looking for a little help on a sight instalation on my m&p shield 9 mm. I recently installed trijicon HD night sights made for the shield. The problem is the gun is now hitting 6" low dead center at 25'. There is no up or down adjustment to these sights. I am looking for a way to move point of impact up 6". Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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shield  night  sight install Empty Re: shield night sight install

Post by Jon Eulette 30/1/2015, 12:30

Your front sight is too tall/high. Not sure if you have enough material on the front sight to trim off to raise point of impact because it's a night sight. If you look in the Brownells catalog they have the math equation for you to figure out how much sight needs trimming/filing/machining.
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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shield  night  sight install Empty Re: shield night sight install

Post by STEVE SAMELAK 30/1/2015, 14:42

If it's a night site the only real choice is  buy a lower front night sight (if availible) or get a taller rear sight.
I don't think you can trim a sight with a tritium tube in it

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shield  night  sight install Empty Re: shield night sight install

Post by Virgil Kane 30/1/2015, 15:25

My sons have Shields, both in 40 cal. The Shield is set up so that the dot on the front sight has to cover what you want to hit, I would imagine the Trijicon night sights are the same. The target is covered by the front sight. I have a hard time with this because I shoot a 6 o'clock hold but it seems that most defensive pistols are set up this way. I hate it ! The only way I know without changing the sights is to shoot a 147 grain bullet if you are shooting something lighter. That should raise the point of impact. If you are already shooting 147 grain bullets I have no advice to give other than send the sights back if you can.

  I got into an argument with Kimber over this on a iron sighted 1911 and they said I was nuts to want the bullet to hit at the top of the front sight  but after some talk they agreed to put on a shorter front sight. The gunsmith at Kimber said everybody covers the target with the front dot.

The gunsmith must not be a BE shooter lol!


Virgil Kane

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shield  night  sight install Empty Re: shield night sight install

Post by STEVE SAMELAK 30/1/2015, 16:02

Three dot sights are faster than precise
If you're forced to use the night sights for real, all you get to see are the tritium tubes

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shield  night  sight install Empty Re: shield night sight install

Post by keyhole 4/2/2015, 13:19

Thanks for the great information I am going to try to get a lower front sight from Trijicon .


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Join date : 2014-03-05

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