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Red dot recovery in RF and TF

Steve B
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Red dot recovery in RF and TF Empty Red dot recovery in RF and TF

Post by xman 1/31/2015, 12:49 pm

Am trying to simulate RF and TF while dryfiring. Faking the recoil of my buckmark. I just installed a red dot sight and want to know how important is having the red dot centered in the glass as compared to keeping head position steady throughout the practice fire. Or are they both just as important as with iron sights.Question Am new to bulleye and have only used irons up to this point.

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Red dot recovery in RF and TF Empty Re: Red dot recovery in RF and TF

Post by Deerspy 1/31/2015, 2:43 pm

my groups always seam to be smallest when the dot is in center of tube, so I dry fire with that in mind.


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Red dot recovery in RF and TF Empty Re: Red dot recovery in RF and TF

Post by dronning 1/31/2015, 2:53 pm

xman wrote:.... Faking the recoil of my buckmark. .....

Just a caution if you are faking the recoil by flipping your wrist or other action you might start doing it when competing - that would suck.

- Dave

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Red dot recovery in RF and TF Empty Re: Red dot recovery in RF and TF

Post by Steve B 1/31/2015, 2:57 pm

To be honest.  I think trying to simulate recoil during dry fire is a very bad idea.  You could end up developing a flinch that will pull shots upwards.  When I focus on holding my position (hand, wrist, arm, shoulder, etc...) firm during a stage of fire it's unnecessary to 'bring' the sight(s) back onto the target as the automatically recenter when I start squeezing the trigger for the next shot.

Steve B

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Red dot recovery in RF and TF Empty Re: Red dot recovery in RF and TF

Post by AllAces 1/31/2015, 4:12 pm

I practice recovery during slow fire.

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Red dot recovery in RF and TF Empty Re: Red dot recovery in RF and TF

Post by Jack H 1/31/2015, 9:37 pm

I believe you should be doing the shot so you don't ever have to think or do "recovery".  How you do the shot dictates how any recovery will be.
Jack H
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Red dot recovery in RF and TF Empty Re: Red dot recovery in RF and TF

Post by Ghillieman 2/5/2015, 3:27 am

From the previous dry fire shot I hold down the trigger, operate the slide, then start above the target where the sights would be during recoil. I then mentally picture the gun in recoil, release the trigger, and start the shot process over again. Also, make sure that you have an empty case, fired case for .22, case with fired primer for center fire, just something that will absorb some of the stress from the firing pin. Best of luck.

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Red dot recovery in RF and TF Empty Re: Red dot recovery in RF and TF

Post by sixftunda 2/5/2015, 7:07 am

The best way to practice dealing with recoil during TF/RF is to have a turning target.  Of ALL the money I have spent on Precision Pistol, the most well invested was for purchasing my own turning target.  I can honestly say that the reason I broke 2600 in my second year shooting and shooting a 2607 at Perry last year was because of practicing with it.  My short line percentage at Perry was 99.1%!! I was out at least two days per week engraining TF and RF in my mind.  There is absolutely no viable substitute. 
I bought the more expensive set up but one can be had for 600 I believe.  I spent around 1100 on mine.  It can be piggybacked with another system.  My shooting companion has one also and we have gotten together to practice and that is also a big help.

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