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Barrel length and accuracy?

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Barrel length and accuracy? Empty Barrel length and accuracy?

Post by beeser Wed Feb 04, 2015 9:23 am

I'm sure this question has been asked before in some form (probably by me) but is there any advantage in a 6" barrel over a 4" barrel if a red dot is used?  I'm finding that my S&W 686 4" barrel is much more comfortable to use than my S&W 617 6" barrel.  Both have the same dots mounted on them.


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Barrel length and accuracy? Empty Re: Barrel length and accuracy?

Post by BE Mike Wed Feb 04, 2015 9:26 am

No, there is no appreciable difference in accuracy between a 4" and 6" barrel.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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Barrel length and accuracy? Empty Re: Barrel length and accuracy?

Post by beeser Wed Feb 04, 2015 9:35 am

BE Mike wrote:No, there is no appreciable difference in accuracy between a 4" and 6" barrel.
Good, my quest for a 617-1 with a 4" barrel continues.


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Barrel length and accuracy? Empty Re: Barrel length and accuracy?

Post by CR10X Wed Feb 04, 2015 9:39 am

As with a number of things, it ain't the length, its the actual performance. The 4 inch might be better or worse, same for the 6 inch. There is a difference between usable accuracy and actual accuracy. I've got a 2 inch J frame that Ransomed about 2.75 inches at 25 yds. I sure as heck can't shoot it that good. So the dot may actually improve the usable accuracy of the 4 inch. But it could also help the 6 inch gun too. Put them in a rest if possible and use the one with the most actual AND usable accuracy. That means both rest testing and shooting test to find the winner.


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Barrel length and accuracy? Empty Re: Barrel length and accuracy?

Post by Axehandle Thu Feb 05, 2015 6:53 am

Accuracy is not a function of barrel length.   Of course shootability is another factor.  Sight radius doesn't figure in when you shoot a red dot.  The extra weight and balance point can be a plus or a minus depending on the shooter.   The current round butted frames and grips feel good to me with the short barrel while I prefer the square butt gun with the longer barrels. No right or wrong here.   Boxers or Briefs?


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Barrel length and accuracy? Empty Re: Barrel length and accuracy?

Post by knightimac Thu Feb 05, 2015 11:01 am

The accuracy differences between 4", 5" and 6" barrels are very little from a rest in my experience.

Shooting irons the 5" and 6" barrels has an advantage over a 4" inch due to increased sight radius.

The 4" tube with a dot may give an advantage with follow through because the projectile leaves the barrel a split second faster than a 5" or 6" barrel which might lessen follow through flyers.

I also find the 4" K & N frame revolvers more balanced to handle with less fatigue when shooting long matches.

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