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Practice routine

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Practice routine Empty Practice routine

Post by kjanracing 2/21/2015, 6:16 pm

Getting back into BE after about 40 years, did it in my teens.  Question is: when you go to the range to practice, do you have a routine you use.  So many shots SF, x number shots TF or RF?  Do you pick one or more things to work on?  Currently in getting to the range about twice a week for an hour.  60-70 rounds usually.  Dry fire other days.  Right now I just have .45 ACP 1911.
Thanks, Kurt

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Practice routine Empty Re: Practice routine

Post by Ed Hall 2/21/2015, 8:49 pm

You might want to read this thread:

What do you practice at the range

especially my post.Smile

Ed Hall

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Practice routine Empty Re: Practice routine

Post by s1120 2/22/2015, 7:22 am

That was nice to reread Ed. Ive been lax in my practice this winter, and I realy need to get back to it. I found a lot of places I realy fell down when I shot my first meet last year, and Ive got a LOT of work to get done!!


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